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HomeCrime and Courts

Bulawayo Man, Tigors Tyron Seigfried, Found With Nearly 2kgs Of Crystal Meth

2 weeks agoThu, 06 Mar 2025 12:34:43 GMT
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Bulawayo Man, Tigors Tyron Seigfried, Found With Nearly 2kgs Of Crystal Meth

A suspected 39-year-old drug peddler, Tigors Tyron Seigfried, has been arrested by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) after being found in unlawful possession of 1,900 grams of crystal meth.

The arrest took place at Seigfried’s house along Chemford, Matshehlope, Bulawayo. The ZRP confirmed the arrest, saying:

The ZRP confirms the arrest of Tigors Tyron Seigfried (39) in connection with unlawful possession of 1 900 grammes of Crystal Meth. The drugs were found in the suspect’s house along Chemford, Matshehlope, Bulawayo.


The use of crystal meth, also known as “mutoriro” or “guka,” has become increasingly prevalent in Zimbabwe, particularly among the youth. It’s estimated that around 30% of young people in Zimbabwe are using crystal meth.

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The drug gained popularity, especially during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and has been linked to various social and health challenges, including addiction and mental health issues.

Abusing crystal meth can result in significant weight loss and malnutrition, severe dental problems (often referred to as “meth mouth”), skin sores and infections, persistent anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, memory loss, cognitive decline, increased risk of stroke and heart attack, and violent behaviour and mood swings.

Crystal meth is highly addictive, and its use can lead to a cycle of dependency and severe health consequences.



Gaza bad man · 1 day ago
kufu kafu
The Instigator · 2 weeks ago
This guy is with the illuminati
The High Priest · 2 weeks ago
A research by the Chief medical officer of the UK found that there's no safe level of alcohol consumption
cde Shelton chidoro🇿🇼 · 2 weeks ago
crystal meth taiirova muhondo tisingavate apa waiti wairova ndopataizovhunduka mabhunu ari5km away tobva tatiza
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 weeks ago
It's very effective in managing obesity if taken correctly under the doctor's prescription. It's mind boggling that some some things we use on daily basis like innocent pampers, fluorescent tubes, and cough medicine are turning to be the prime source of these mind damaging drugs.
gumlaz · 2 weeks ago
zvineropa guys uriwe kana ini taipiwa mtongo wakaomarara asi uyo anongonzi fine zvovharana nxaaa
Ndombas · 2 weeks ago
Satan kuda kupedzisa youth education nhai
Fireworks · 2 weeks ago
Ngaarisvute rese pasina kuzorora aida kuritengesera vana vedu,charge him according to the percentage of how it reaches when smoked
zig zigler · 2 weeks ago
killing others
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Make him smoke his own poison... Nxa
Sir African · 2 weeks ago
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Whats the street value
mosi-yatunya · 2 weeks ago
zvainonzi crystal meth yaishandiswa nemasoldiers ekuRussia muhondo kuti vâsarara,ko mastebhara vaifambowo nerutivi hêre zvatinoona vafana vemugeto vachiita,vaizorodza sei pfuti kana ichikonzeresa stroke,ko horror dzinozorotwa sei ivo vasingarare,ichi chidrug ichi chinopengesa zveshuwa ,unoona mumwe achifambisa orova zi U turn,kana kuvhunduka mota iri uko 1km away mmmm mwari pindirai
Lm · 2 weeks ago
Time alone time will tell

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