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US$30 Radio Licence Fee Is "Too Much", Says CCC MP

2 weeks agoFri, 07 Mar 2025 11:01:04 GMT
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US$30 Radio Licence Fee Is "Too Much", Says CCC MP

Kadoma Central Member of Parliament, Gift Mambipiri (CCC), has argued that the US$30 fee for a car radio licence per term is excessive, likening it to buying a goat and donating it to the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) every term.

During the debate on the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill, which proposes making it mandatory for motorists to purchase a radio licence when renewing their vehicle licence, Mambipiri said:

As Zimbabweans, indeed we need to support ZBC as a national broadcaster but this approach is what they do not agree with.

What is prohibiting people is the pricing of the radio and television licences. When that is combined with ZINARA licence, it means that this will be beyond the reach of many people.

People were saying that US$30 for every term for a ZBC licence is just too much. It is like buying a goat, which means per term they will be buying a goat or they will be donating a goat to ZBC.

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In urban areas, this amount is equivalent to primary school fees. So, parents are saying the money is as high as the money they are paying for school fees in primary schools.

Mambipiri proposed reducing the fee from the proposed US$30 per term to US$5, making it more affordable for the majority of Zimbabweans. He said:

People are not refusing to support ZBC but they do not agree with Clause 15. I would like to urge the Hon. Minister not just to focus on motorists and drivers.

The money that is required to support ZBC should be taken according to what is already happening, which is legal and every household with a radio and television set should pay every year. The money should be reviewed downwards from US$30 to US$5 per household.

When you look at the television sets that are in the country that are around one million multiplied by US$5, you would find that ZBC will raise US$5 million dollars per year.”

Several Members of Parliament suggested reducing the radio licence fee to US$5, while one proposed lowering it to US$2 per term.

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tager · 1 week ago
zvavo vane nzeve dzinonzwa radio
Golra · 2 weeks ago
Dhora ndoo shoti yeipapo, zve30 izvo yatove Dhoti. Ngavabve vadhara vaya simple
kwachu · 2 weeks ago
$1 ndiyo inoita
President Of Pindula Hon Cde Dr Nelson Dambudzo Constantino Mohadi · 2 weeks ago
zbc imhuka ipi inonzi zbc inodya huswa hwakaita cy munoziva 30us makaiona here mbwa imi faki you mhani
African Observer · 2 weeks ago
ZANU pf is on a mission to make the life of every rational citizen unbearable in this country.Only people with mental illness like those calling for and supporting 2030 Ed agenda can support and accept this grand larceny as they are the major beneficiaries of zanu pf propaganda dissemination via deadBC.
General Lee · 2 weeks ago
$30 for what, what will we listen from ZBC? this is nonsense
binladen · 2 weeks ago
Pasi ne radio licence pasi ne ZBC. Chii chatinoterera kuZBC chine basa chavanotaura chinofadza vanhu kusara kwekungotaura propaganda ye Zanu inosvota. Ngavangoita zvekuti anoda kuteerera marara avo otenga licence yacho asina they block otadza ku receiver masaisai chete. ZBC ukaiterera unoita BP coz ndeye mbavha dze Zanu
Seke · 2 weeks ago
zbc yaingoda kunzi anodaro ngaabhadhare asingade rega
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
)) Single women are waiting for you on --
Mr · 2 weeks ago
kubhadhara $ 30 yekunzwa kuti 'mnangagwa muri huchi', nonsense
. · 2 weeks ago
Ndlovu · 2 weeks ago
mbavha idzi munhu wose ane mota tengambudzi . Zimbabweans tongonyararira kunge vanhu varikugerwa musoro
chavhunduka · 2 weeks ago
zbc nd radio zimba are nonsene to the whole nation
cde Dambudzo · 2 weeks ago
apa ZBC haibate kwese Ini kwandogara ndobata parapara fm
Sokostik · 2 weeks ago
CONTENT YepaZBC iri depressing inorwadza chiiko chamuri kuonesa vana and you expect us to pay $30 to be depressed
ZBC TV LICENSE · 2 weeks ago
ZBC TV hakuna kana 1 chinonakidza ndotenga data pa30 iyoyo ndoona paphone pangu TIKTOK kuRadio patone timetable yekunzwa BHOZVONGORA akabva zvavharana takuridza Bluetooth zvimwe zvese rava drama
pk · 2 weeks ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 paying 30bucks to be brain washed this country is amazing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Gunvosta · 2 weeks ago
Zanu members and supporters should pay for zbc tv and radio license coz its their mouthpiece
laugh emoji1
make it 5 zig per year · 2 weeks ago
even 1 ZiG per month is too much money to listen/watch that zbc zanu sh!t
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
The last time I was in Zimbabwe was in year 2000 do people still listen to radio
citizen · 2 weeks ago
Ko mota yacho isina radio vanopaita cy?
Patz · 2 weeks ago
The ZBC charge of $30 is to excessive as if its being paid by 10 people. The problem is that those Zanoids exempt themself from paying fees they they peg the fee for others. Muswere is just a Minister of charging licences and calling for ED 2030 nothing else. These Zimbabwean so called Dr need their degrees to be investigated
laugh emoji1
BRICK FORCE · 2 weeks ago
Juju · 2 weeks ago
Atleast for once someone has people at heart in parliament !! its a first and its very sensible indeed $5 is fair.
Gegeja · 2 weeks ago
zve ZBC ma1 TV kumba chero not watching ZBC shows and Car Radio chero using Bluetooth 👺👺👺👺👺 kwai bhadhara💩💩
WOOD DOCTOR · 2 weeks ago
hatisati tave neradio station zvedu iyo inganyambove $1 inobviswa nani nekutambura kurikuita vanhu
Zvichaita chete · 2 weeks ago
I believe people of a certain party should happily pay the USD30 as they are the ones benefiting a lot and getting airplay on everything they do
Antman · 2 weeks ago
Atleast there are fighting for us we thought they will wll vote for 30 bucks
Sir African · 2 weeks ago
@Antman Svosve ,they are fighting for Tshabangu and it's just a side show.When it comes to passing the bill you will be surprised as they will unanimously vote for the bill to sail through. Watch my space,they have not done through looting. Remember you are also paying millions they looted through Farm Implements they gave themselves during Mugabe's era.
BOMBSHELL · 2 weeks ago
No need to pay zbc or listen to them because they're toxic
Gaddafi · 2 weeks ago
zbc inomboteererwa naniwo tibvigwe

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