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MP Compares Tying ZBC Licence To Vehicle Licence To Being Infected With HIV

1 week agoSat, 08 Mar 2025 07:03:02 GMT
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MP Compares Tying ZBC Licence To Vehicle Licence To Being Infected With HIV

Matabeleland South proportional representation legislator Sibongile Maphosa has compared the proposed law requiring motorists to pay for radio licences when renewing their car licences to being infected with HIV.

The Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill was recently passed by the National Assembly, with some opposition legislators expressing opposition to the proposed law.

During the debate on the Bill, Maphosa pointed out that in December, 800,000 people paid for their car licences to the Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA), but only 400,000 paid for radio licences. She said:

What we are trying to do here is infecting this ZBC pandemic to ZINARA. When we enact this law, what will happen Madam Chair is that ZINARA already has third party insurances which we see as useless because they indicate that when you have an accident, you fix your own car and when you have an accident with someone and you are at fault, that is when the insurance pays.

This is what has affected ZINARA and has brought apathy to ZINARA where you find people not being forthcoming in terms of paying for insurances because it is difficult for  them to pay for insurances. So, they end up exempting their cars. 

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If it was not for this insurance challenge, in December, we might have had more than a million people paying. 

Now, with the burden of ZBC riding on the insurance and on top of ZINARA fees, it means ZINARA has twins like ZBC and the insurance. It is like being infected by HIV. Taking ZBC is like taking ZBC’s illness and infecting ZINARA.

More: Insider



54-46 · 1 week ago
Apa car radio yacho haibate maradio station acho apa wonzi bhadhara futi. Zvinhu zvacho sooo
Anonymous · 1 week ago
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Tiktok · 1 week ago
Zimbabwe haichina chemahara boreholes ari kutera but wakacheresa wega ndopava kuuya council yakuti tera borehole yako,now manje manje maSolar vari kuuya futi kuzoona kuti kana uine masolar anobika gwenya rakawanda sei and votokupa mapapers ekuti utere pamasolar ako awakazvitengera ukaInstaller wega nemari yako.So zvimwe zvinhu zvinoratidza kuti nyika yamira nemusoro imagine.Radio yemota ehe vangabhadhara zvavo but hakuna kwainoenda mari iyo iri kungopinda mupocket mevamwe vanhu.USD30 its a lot of money per term ngavabvise 20USD vanhu vobhadhara 10USD
mhinduro · 1 week ago
zinwa has jurisdiction over all water in Zimbabwe even that under your house. even farmers pay zinwa for their own dams as far as I know.
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 1 week ago
Pipo of the accursed world, Zimbabwe, one cannot get rich without committing a crime. We have robbers, scammers, political impostors and prophets living large through crime.
. · 1 week ago
she is very silly....nxa
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Maybe hauna mota, ungori neka radio kemumba kasina mupurisa anofa akaona ndoosaka usiri kuona kuti MP uyu arikurwira vanhu
aaaah · 1 week ago
Second republic
Sure · 1 week ago
You listen to Zbc or TV at your own risk.......
laugh emoji1
MMM · 1 week ago
koku EPL kwakamirawisei nhasi plz
Destro · 1 week ago
Nottingham Forest vs Man City Time 14:30 Im a citizen 4 lyf so ndorega randoziva Marmoush hoye
Dok25 · 1 week ago
Who are the MPs representing if more than ninety percent of those they are supposed to represent are against the law they passed without consulting those who put them into parliament?
Ediots · 1 week ago
thats spot on
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Ma mp e zanupf madununu ndosaka dambudzo achiridza vakadzi vavo. Why force people nyama inonaka inotaura yega. Ngaiiswe mari yacho ini zig loke 30 zig and give fair play to all political parties not kungotuudza zvana mbuya nehanda na sekuru kaguvi.
Scud · 1 week ago
Paying ZBC licence is like buying your neighbour's wife s. e. x. y panties/lingerie, which you will never see her wearing, or even get to touch or feel. Kudyiwa wakasvunura se matemba.
laugh emoji1
Destro · 1 week ago
car insurance must be $10 ZBC $2 total $12 the amounts anobhadhariswa muno are not justified..too much exorbitant prices,taxes and so on yet ma salary ma 250..thats why zvigananda zvawanda
dakar to the world · 1 week ago
truth has been said ,ane murume here mudzimai uyu ndamuda hangu vanhu vari genius they are very few in the political sector ,uchatonzwa rimwe richiti heee musangano wat wat.
Chirume chirume · 1 week ago
ndiko kumiririra zvido zveveruzhinji kwete zvezanu kuSupporter mouthpiece yavo **** dzavanhu
Golra · 1 week ago
1 dollar ndoo mari yekubhadhara ZBC kune anenge achida, zvimwe zvese yatove Dhoti. Ngavabve vadhara vaya simple!!!
Traydee ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦🤴 पाहीन ...पण... · 1 week ago
Tipeiwo mafixtures ebhora remuno plz
concerned · 1 week ago
she's a genius 👏👏👏👏
Antman · 1 week ago
Has the bill been passed. Why is it only opposition MPs are the one who are pro people.
· 1 week ago
Kkk vanhu veZanu vanotora politics sebhora, mkuru wavo aka kanganisa vanoomberera maoko chete. Vanongoti chese chaitwa nemunhu weZanu chakanaka. Havana nguva yekuzvifungira.
Tango · 1 week ago
Not yet passed waiting for senate and president to pass and sign it
King 98 · 1 week ago
well said
Golra · 1 week ago
Well said

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