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"Slain CID Officer Was Shot Dead By A Police Gun"

3 days agoSun, 09 Mar 2025 21:03:41 GMT
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"Slain CID Officer Was Shot Dead By A Police Gun"

A Criminal Investigations Department (CID) officer who tragically lost her life during a confrontation with armed robbers in Bulawayo’s Pumula South suburb on Thursday night was, in fact, killed by a police bullet, it has emerged.

Detective Constable Cassandra Hove, 37, a mother of four, sustained a single gunshot wound to her left breast, with the bullet remaining lodged in her body.

She was swiftly transported to Flex Clinic in Lobengula, where she was pronounced dead on arrival just before 9 PM.

Initially, it was believed that she had been shot by the armed robbers she was pursuing. However, family spokesman Ryan Gambinga later revealed that police officials had informed them that her death was the result of friendly fire. In a statement, Gambinga said:

The family is deeply shocked and troubled by the tragic circumstances surrounding her death. While we initially received conflicting reports, our recent meeting with ZRP Bulawayo has confirmed that a fellow police officer, and not armed robbers, was involved in this devastating event.

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This revelation raises profound questions and intensifies our grief. We are committed to uncovering the complete truth and ensuring that justice is served.

As we mourn the loss of our beloved daughter, we demand a thorough and transparent investigation.

In a statement issued just hours after Hove’s death, Police said: “comprehensive investigations are underway with a view to establishing what exactly transpired.”

At the time of her death, Hove was pursuing a career outside the police force after earning a degree in forensic accounting.

She was also a proud member of the all-female Lozikeyi team of detectives, based at Bulawayo Central Police Station.

The unit, named after Queen Lozikeyi Dlodlo—one of King Lobengula’s senior wives—honours her legacy as a key figure in organising resistance against British colonial forces during the 1896 Anglo-Ndebele War.

Queen Lozikeyi was instrumental in preparing war medicines and rallying the Ndebele regiments in their fight for independence.

More: ZimLive



Victim · 2 days ago
Ndikoko.mapurisa akaremadza nekuurayawo vangani vachingoti we are investigating
Anonymous · 3 days ago
:))))) Hot girls are waiting for you on ---
Anonymous · 3 days ago
. · 3 days ago
Inzwaiwo rombe iri
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 3 days ago
Hapana munhu anenyika, ndini ndadaro.
abhwer · 3 days ago
the head of this section is involved in this planned killing sqeeze him or her in a tight corner and the truth shall reveal its self
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Just check ballistic of all the weapons that were signed out by the team to prove this blue on blue
Anonymous · 2 days ago
But ndikafunga kunetsa kunoita mapurisa muroad vachida 35US$ kuti sei paint yemota I e scratch ndinomboti mwari vanzwa minamato yevanhu. Vanhu vanoshusha ivava vakangoona kuti apa panemari unoiona nhamo yacho. Hanzi pending yachenuruka time 35$. Hauna kuridza huta time 35$.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Planned killing zvakaoma
Anonymous · 3 days ago
How do you know it was planned maybe it was accidental
Sir African. · 3 days ago
She died as a result of crime of passion. Police are not saying anything meaningful, they haven't told us if she died in action or by accidental discharge of a fire arm .
Sir African. · 3 days ago
Baluba · 3 days ago
Shame rest in piece sister
ZimSketch · 3 days ago
in whose hands was this gun
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 3 days ago
May be it was an accidental discharge that killed her, and the cid is embarrassed to stomach the reality. The police has a very specialized branch well equipped to deal head on with the armed criminals. CID must only do the reconnaissance and avoid compromising themselves.
Putin · 2 days ago
hauzivi kuti CID homicide is well trained to handle such cases but remember accidents happen
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Saka totiiko manje apa? Huku yakazvidyira mazi ayohere?
Ding Dong · 3 days ago
Hutsinye chaihwo
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 3 days ago
Ding Dong · 3 days ago
Akafurwa naewake kusawirirana ikoko pachifuva akada kutoona kuti ndamuuraya. zita rakke hamufi makariudzwa never vanhu vanotraner pfuti vaye chero Gud we Fawccets haadaro never uchanzwa nyaya dze zvikomba zvakamuuraya apo achiramba madhara onzi ngaafe degree rake mati aitofanira kunge Ari mu office apo onzi mu field
President Of Pindula Hon Cde Dr Nelson Dambudzo Costantino Mohadi · 3 days ago
Saka zvana queen rokizeyi zvrikukwana papi apa just bata munhu akauraya mabiyake not telling us abt mahurè ana lobengula
sobering stupor · 3 days ago
Lozikeyi was a senior queen of the Ndebele nation until 1893. She was known for being outspoken, and for her defiance of the white settlers – who described her as a “dangerous and intriguing woman” – in what would become Rhodesia. When her husband disappeared in 1893, she served for a time as de facto regent of the kingdom. She is credited with keeping the nation stable following not only her husband’s disappearance, but also their 1893 Matebele war with The British South Africa Company. In 1896, along with her twin brother, Queen Lozikeyi led the resistance against colonial rule and land theft. Referred to as Imfazo or The War of the Red Axe (Impi Yehlok’elibomvu), this was the catalyst to what is commonly known as the First Chimurenga war. Queen Lozikeyi had wisely stored ammunition that had not been used by King Lobengula; the Imbizo regiment were able to use this ammunition against the Cecil Rhodes’ forces. The predominantly Ndebele Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) referred to her as the Foremother of ZIPRA; in a show of honour and for good fortune, ZIPRA forces buried two bullets at her grave years after her death. By the end of that year, British forces and the Ndebele army had reached a stalemate. Queen Lozikeyi led peace negotiations in the Matobo mountains, resulting in amnesty and a ceasefire, though the Ndebele people had already lost their best land and control. She remained defiant until her death in 1919 after she succumbed to influenza. Author Yvonne Vera once referred to her as a “conspicuous and commanding figure. A big, bold and beautiful woman of ample proportions and clearly the leading spirit among the Ndebele queens. With quick intelligence and ready wit, she was also remarkable among Ndebele women.” Near Nkosikazi in Bubi District is a school for which she campaigned and which she opened; it still serves students. She was the subject of a 2013 biography, Lozikeyi Dlodlo, Queen of the Ndebele by Marieke Faber Clarke.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
You hate Ndebeles just because you have identity issues. Know yourself and be proud . You can only appreciate the greatness of others only if you know who you are
· 3 days ago
Can't you see that is off topic, some pple are crying and u are bringing in yo identity history. Does that make sense. Toda kuziva akauraya munhu not history.
The High Priest · 3 days ago
A staged episode, t****ugh investigations will tell , a mother of four. shame, may peace be upon the deceased's relatives
President Of Pindula Hon Cde Dr Nelson Dambudzo Costantino Mohadi · 3 days ago
Zvinonetsa kunzwisisa ok how sei
shem, 😥😥😥
mculi nthube · 3 days ago
So the cop killer turns out to be a killer cop. Do not be surprised if it comes out that there was no chase with armed robbers but rather it was a fight over a man...
chati homu! chareva chati homu! chareva · 3 days ago
iwe Anonymous, you are a tribalist, why muchingotaura zvekuti our territory, wakauya nenyika here pamaka crosser Limpopo muchiuya kuZim nyika yevaShona?
sobering stupor · 3 days ago
Yes call him out,this territory belongs to God the creator.No body owns anything,we are here on earth to look after God's creation not to fight over it.God is the real owner of the earth,we are just mere mortals.
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 3 days ago
Regai kunetsana nezvinu zvenando, Zimbabwe came to existence in 1980 and her borders were pegged by the colonialist. Zimbabwe is a cosmopolitan country, vane Mari ndo vene.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Takatakura yedu from Ulundi tikaisa pamusoro peyenyu. Takaitsika kkkk
Xx · 3 days ago
Tiudzeyi kuti akapfura mamubata here not zvavana Queen chakuti.
sobering stupor · 3 days ago
@Xx don't be tribalistic,Mbuya nehanda and Queen lozikeyi contributed to the liberation struggle,we need to honor them.Rember we are celebrating women's day. .If you have a problem then tell us about Queen Munhumutapa,do you even know her .Dont be jealous about other peoples rich culture.We need to learn to emulate the Queen's courage in the fight against colonial oppression. .Her Queens,military leadership is an example that women can lead in the army.Today we have female senior army and air force,officers because of the example of Queen lozikeyi and Mbuya Nehanda.
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 3 days ago
Taurai zvinu zvinonzvika, you say she was shot by a police gun, why not name the real person who shot her, why protecting the Identity of the culprit? Something doesn't add up here? Cassandra was a graduate in forensic science, why wasn't she posted appropriately to the forensic department where her qualifications fit, and why was she still a constable with such high level of education. She was more educated than the police general.
. · 3 days ago
these police do not submit their degrees because they want to stay in the field ...that wer the real money is....not in the office
Balastic · 3 days ago
its a big deal vaka slaughtwa amai ava ma CID vanourayana worse homicide vanotouraya nevamwe vasina mhosva
Balastic · 3 days ago
ndakazvitaura ini vakaurayirana mari vanhu ava ndekupi kwamakamboona kuti panomhanyiswa ma robbers mukadzi omhanya kudarika vamwe varume ovasiya then pozonzi azorohwa neumwe wake hakuna zvakadaro it was a planned killing
Z · 3 days ago
Ichokwadi wakataura sekudaro
The GunzFamily @ 98 · 3 days ago
yaa wakazvitaura Badly inyaya dze cash idzi hapana ma armed robbers avakaita shoot out navo
Anonymous · 3 days ago
The problem starts when u deploying ur shona police in our territories · 3 days ago
hoo nhay
. · 3 days ago
bcx the ndeweres do not have 5 basic o levels required to be a policeman
🅱️🅰️🅱️🅰️ 🅰️🅱️🅰️🅱️🅰️ 🅱️⭕🅱️🅰️ · 3 days ago
.. · 3 days ago
stop tribalism
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Ngasaita Tribalism mayi vangu ndeveku Tsjoslotjol apa iye arikudya mbeva Gondwane, achitsenga musoro nemuswe oti we are rich.
.. · 3 days ago
you dont have a territory.
BYO finest · 3 days ago
you don't have territories in zim you are permanent refugees sugar tribe
Traydee ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦🤴 पाहीन ...पण... · 3 days ago
Z · 3 days ago
She was shot dead by police gun not by armed robbery gun. SOMETHING WENT WRONG. Police get busy
Apo · 3 days ago
Continue to rest in power sis Cassandra
Elder Micho · 3 days ago
They should deploy single ladies not mother of 4 akomanaka,,,if it was in a car or close range it might be an accident ndiani angabvume pakadai. Anotsvaga nepfut anongofao ne pfuti bt its sad.
Colgate · 3 days ago
So dirst

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