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Expecting Mothers In Rural Zimbabwe Face Harsh Conditions In Maternity Waiting Homes

1 week agoMon, 10 Mar 2025 13:41:07 GMT
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Expecting Mothers In Rural Zimbabwe Face Harsh Conditions In Maternity Waiting Homes

Expecting mothers in Zimbabwe’s rural areas are often forced to sleep on the floor due to a lack of beds and water in the waiting shelters at public referral hospitals, according to Members of Parliament.

During Wednesday’s question and answer session, MPs revealed that pregnant women in maternity waiting homes (MWHs) are required to cook for themselves and fetch their own water, even as they approach their delivery dates.

MWHs are designed to provide accommodation for high-risk women in the final weeks of pregnancy, so they can stay near hospitals with essential obstetric facilities.

Tabeth Murwira, a proportional representative Member of Parliament, asked Health and Child Care Deputy Minister Sleiman Kwidini what measures the government had in place to address this issue.

Another MP, Sithabisiwe Moyo, said that expecting mothers are left to sleep on cold floors without food at MWHs. She said:

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Most of the time, these shelters lack security, and the women are forced to lie on the floor.

Expecting mothers need a proper place to rest and be admitted to hospitals, not just an empty room without bedding.

These mothers are also not provided with food; they are told to find their own. Many of them come from distant areas.

In response, Kwidini acknowledged the challenges faced by expectant mothers and said that the ministry is working to improve the situation. He said:

It is true that women who want to give birth at the hospital often arrive to find that the waiting rooms have no beds or food.

The Ministry of Health is working tirelessly, day and night, to address this issue, alongside the Ministry of Public and Social Welfare, to provide food for the maternity wings.

We are also working to acquire more comfortable beds.

However, Kwidini said that providing water to hospitals falls outside his ministry’s mandate.

He also urged lawmakers to allocate part of their Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to help build and maintain maternity shelters in their constituencies.

More: ZimLive



Willie Musa · 6 days ago
Kana uchida kuona kuti hauna kungwara rwari uri kuWard 9 Makonde District woenda paBiri Clinic usiku. Havavhuri gedhi zvachose. Chero kungouya kuzoona luti uri sei. Tsvagai kuti hakuna akambozvarira pagedhi here mwana akafa gore rino. Pindula hero basa. Apa ukaenda kunorapwa unobhadhariswa mari yekupinda pagedhi. Imari yemanesi nekomiti. Wadhadhara mari yepagedhi chiona mabatirwo aunoitwa nemishonga yaunopihwa. Zvinoshamisa kana minista vachiti pane zviri kuitwa. Sori meningitis.
mculi nthube · 6 days ago
Ndizvo zvingori kwese mdara
zig zigler · 6 days ago
being admitted in hospital is a nightmare all those with fat pockets all the papa's should just donate direct to the hospital s
Gunvosta · 1 week ago
Unplanned pregnancies in Zim can be a death sentence
Red · 1 week ago
So let it be until they learn to vote for the right people
mboko · 6 days ago
you are vry not compassionate i hope paunosangada nedambudziko rakadayi uchanzwisisa. mamwe mashoko tangayi mafungamusati mataura.
Anonymous · 6 days ago
He has a point kune vakubvuma kuvharwa nemachicken inn apa ndivo varikushupika.vachamuka havo.dai zvawedzera kuoma pamwe vangasvinure
mculi nthube · 6 days ago
Which are the right people now?
progress · 1 week ago
apakaapa pakaipa unotungamigwa mberi nemhunhu asingaoni wozowona wo wadona minister
Blue🌀 · 1 week ago
And thus true, those women go through alot...they go with their food for cooking and the clinics there are so neglected
Red · 1 week ago
True and when it's election time they vote for whoever buys them chicken and chips.45 years down the lane let them learn the hard way.
Jivas Chihwehwete · 1 week ago
Any MP to rasise a question on whats the ministerial position with current shortage of electricity.
pipilo🐙 · 1 week ago
Howard hospital number one
Vini · 1 week ago
Shurugwi hospital mortuary virtually non existent
Sir African. · 1 week ago
Anonymous · 5 days ago
Zvimba hakuna zvakadaro, Chirumhanzu hakuna zvakare camps edu are hardworking not corrupt
Sir African. · 1 week ago
Nothing has been said,the answer is hollow because no action has been stated
TIKTOK · 1 week ago
ED PFEEEE,hatisati tatanga tichachema sembwa yaona muroyi maBeds aivamo ndeeSmith regime and hapana kuzombotengwa mamwe futi and I remember some time back on this platform that the gvt was crying for donations for the same issue of beds zviri kureva kuti pari kunzi nyika inovakwa nevene vayo ndiko kuvaka kwacho here uku kana zvakadai handichazivewo zviri nani kuti kuedza pane kutaura kuti inovakwa nevene vayo zvinhu zvichiwedzera kushata munyika we have corrugated roads,hospitals like abandoned houses(matongo)Deteriorated education,loot of minerals,businesses are closing etc ndiko kuvaka kwacho here uku
On what grounds · 1 week ago
Ngatitaure zvatinoziva kwete kungohukura, ko zviriko zvakavakwa after independence unoti ndezvasmith here shandisa fungwa hauna mabeds hamuna mabeds fullstop
Mundikumbuke · 6 days ago
Movakei ungawane mariyokuvaka chipatara woshaya yokutenga mabeds udzikame iwe
Chigananda chematama · 1 week ago
aah mxxxxx
ZimSketch · 1 week ago
brick by 🧱 kuondomora zvedu toward stone age by 2030
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 1 week ago
Tirikuzviwona, kuzvikoro, I've seen mwana ega ega akatakura chair yekushandisa kuchikoro, now madzimai ese would be required to bring their beds whilst expecting in hospitals. Zvigananda are busy donating cars to people who do not need them. Where are we heading to?
Mhofu · 1 week ago
we are really heading to nowhere,chavanoda kuramba vachitonga asi chavanoburitsa hapana .

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