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Open"13,000 Zimbabwean Students Currently Studying In Polish Universities"

At least 13,000 Zimbabwean students are currently enrolled in universities across Poland, Sheila Chikomo, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, told Parliament recently.
Chikomo was responding to a question from Emakhandeni-Luveve MP Descent Bajila in the National Assembly. Bajila had inquired about the accreditation of the universities attended by these students.
Chikomo said Zimbabwean students were drawn to Poland by the affordable tuition fees and the potential for further migration to other attractive destinations within Europe. Said Chikomo:
The report of significant population of Zimbabweans residing in Poland comprises not only students but also truck drivers who have been attracted to Poland for various opportunities and disperse throughout Poland. Poland serves as a gateway to Europe and the United Kingdom.
In terms of figures, current estimates are that they are around 13,000 Zimbabwean students in Poland.
Chikomo explained that it is difficult to determine the exact number of Zimbabwean students in Poland, as some have made private arrangements to study there and have not contacted the Zimbabwean Embassy in Germany. She said:
This has made it difficult for our actual figure of Zimbabweans living in Poland. So far, the exercise to ascertain the number has not yielded any desired results.
This will then mean that it requires that for the whole Embassy to accurately determine the number of Zimbabweans in Poland they should travel for some days to conduct a comprehensive study in that country.
She further said one of the key factors attracting many foreigners, including Zimbabweans, to Poland is the relatively low university fees, which are approximately $3,500 per year. Said Chikomo:
Zimbabwean students in Poland are registered with the Policy Ministry of Science Higher Tertiary Education and enrolled in different universities with Vincent Pol University (VPU) in Lublin being one of the most prominent options.
VPU is officially registered with the Policy Ministry of Science Higher Tertiary Education, allowing it to recognise Bachelors and Masters degrees.
Notably, VPU has recently seen about 300 Zimbabwean students graduate in the last year.
More: ZimLive