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200 Houses Built On Land Reserved For Harare Drive Expansion Face Demolition

1 week agoTue, 11 Mar 2025 08:23:56 GMT
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200 Houses Built On Land Reserved For Harare Drive Expansion Face Demolition

Around 200 houses and properties, including two luxury mansions on the foothills of the National Heroes Acre, have been illegally constructed on land reserved for the Harare Drive expansion project and are now at risk of demolition.

The City of Harare says Harare Drive was originally designed to form a circular route around the city, and its plans remain unchanged.

According to the original 1998 detailed engineering designs, the missing sections of the Harare Drive ring road are intended to connect key areas, including Solomon Mujuru Drive (formerly Kirkman Road) at Warren Hills to Gleneagles Road in Southerton, Houghton Park through Mainway Meadows, Retreat to Seke Road, then to Twentydales Road in Hatfield to Mutare Road in Msasa.

However, widespread encroachment has occurred, especially in the Waterfalls and Retreat suburbs, where more than 100 houses have been built on the Harare Drive road reserve.

In Waterfalls, particularly in Mainway Meadows, a visible divide exists where residents have left a 60-meter-wide corridor free of development in recognition of the future path of Harare Drive.

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However, in areas like Retreat, construction continues unchecked, with reports of land barons illegally pegging stands in anticipation of the road’s development.

Minister Oliver Makoni, who leads the Church of Grace Ministries and built a structure in Retreat along the planned path of Harare Drive, denied that they had encroached on land designated for the road. He said:

We have never been informed by the City Council about any encroachment issues.

We have a site plan, and our papers are in order, all the papers are at Rowan Martin. Why can’t you obtain a GPS report, they have that GPS. It can verify whether we have encroached or not.

It’s nearly 10 years now, but above all the City should know that peoples’ lives are important than a road.

Harare City Council acting director of urban planning, Samuel Nyabezi, acknowledged the existence of many houses built on Harare Drive, particularly in the Retreat area. He said:

Yes, there are many houses that have been built on Harare Drive, particularly in Retreat, but at some point, those structures shall be demolished because our plan for Harare Drive road expansion is clear.

He also told The Herald that two mansions had been built near Harare Drive, close to the National Heroes Acre. 

Nyabezi said the owners of these houses had been informed that there would be no negotiations and the houses would be demolished. He added:

The city council will never approve a house to be built on land reserved for a road. These people are just getting site plans and going on to build a full house.

At some point, those structures shall be demolished because our plan for Harare Drive road expansion is clear.

Harare Mayor, Councillor Jacob Mafume, reiterated the city’s commitment to demolishing all illegal structures. Said Mafume:

We will demolish all those illegal structures. If you ask me to provide a solution, I will only push for demolition, because surely, you cannot build on land reserved for a road.

It’s perhaps the government that will stop us. You cannot build on land reserved for a road.

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Court recently ruled that demolishing homes without a court order is unconstitutional, presenting a significant challenge for local authorities.

More: The Herald



binladen · 1 week ago
Ndiwo mubairo wekumera sehowa muchifurirwa nezvigananda zve Zanu ..Ngadzipazwe imba idzodzo
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Lol vanhu vaingovaka vachiziva kuti iRoad but it's only that the plan took long to be implemented so vanhu vaiti hazvichaitwi. Almost everyone knew this Harare Drive thing
Anonymous · 1 week ago
))))) Single women are waiting for you on --
gumlaz · 1 week ago
zvonetsa izvi zvekupana mastand pachizanu zanu ndozvinoita mapolitician anokushandisai kana apedza nemi okukandirai kure ukoo kuitwa sefos**** here nhai nxaaa
gumlaz · 1 week ago
zvonetsa izvi zvekupana mastand pachizanu zanu ndozvinoita mapolitician anokushandisai kana apedza nemi okukandirai kure ukoo kuitwa sefos**** here nhai nxaaa
jonah · 1 week ago
mastandas ayo haana mupiwa ne council so council haigone kuvamiririra bt vakapowa mastanda nevanhu vemusangano nguva yana chombo vachisimbisana nhema and town council yainge isina power to stop them
vaMubega · 1 week ago
squatter camp, panzvimbo pakangoita vanhu veOpposition vari kuzivikanwa zvaendwa, ****y council painopa land baron handy inofanirwa kumupa pekugumira, road yei,tender yacht kwaChivharo, tiring maharani kusvika taitawo ma revolutionaries, ingawani tavane second Republic, why not kuita ma war vets ekuma20s
Anonymous · 1 week ago
DeFraud someone in America you are a Dead Man let Alone your Family
Blue🌀 · 1 week ago
how can you allow the construction of plus 200 houses then allow them to be developed electricity and all...then every month you collect bills from the people then after you have collected the bills for some years you say the houses were developed on a land that was meant for use. How about repaying their money they used for construction of their houses siqalele khonapho totangira ipapo
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Maipihwa Nena councilors opposition ndivo vaivanira kutanga vaona master plan. Zanu chiororo ko kungoita we Zanu upiwe stand chaiyo. Unofunga ungapuhwe stand tsvene uri we opposition.kkkkk
Joe Cool · 1 week ago
The simple question is - why did the City of Harare not stop the illegal development of structures on the reserved land?
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Validation kuti mumbovaka vozopaza masvika panorwadza, ungavhotere opposition Zanu iripo vanokubata chete.
Clvn Rich · 6 days ago
They ignore if you can ask then sometimes they where give notice to vacate those area before they built this mentions but guyz to be fair land barons are no good they can tricky you with fake papers i know i understand this becouse i m of the people who were tricked and duped
Tiktok · 1 week ago
MaBarons ndiwo maShefu anoshandisa political muscle vachiGraber land zvisiri paConstitution votengesera vanhu land iye now zvashata hamuvaoni vachiSupporter vavakatengesera land yacho.Mr President is it a game or what murimi baba.Why can't you look for those barons and arrest them together neCouncil yacho havagoni basa better to fire them all
Clvn Rich · 6 days ago
Very true man council itself are barons they are the ones who send this land barons to collect money from desperate home seekers i think it's high time for the government to get rid of all the council boses from the directors to the housing allocaton managers we are tired of this corrupt council officials and it's councilor even the ministry itself they are now joining in support of the council officials its a catel of land grabers Zim ma 1 chaiwo yazara zvigananda zvoga zvoga its a shame
Tiktok · 1 week ago
Again for ten years makatarisa vanhu vavaka, nhasi ndiko makuti makavakira paroad. Ok what is important human lives and a road.What you going to do to the affect people,are you going to pay their monies back or are just paining them,if so why are you paying the white farmers whom you chased illegally from their lands or fields.Ivai nevanhu pamoyo yenyu and remember kuna Mwari kudenga akafa sei Pharaoh,Nebkadinezar akafura sora itai asi Mwari havanyarariri zvinhu zvakadai muchishungurudza vanhu,saka muri kuda kutungamirira vanhu vachigara pai, imagine 200 houses ko vanogaramo vangani
mculi nthube · 1 week ago
Uyu anoti people's livelihoods are above a road haazive commerce. Demolitions are evil, but in this case a necessary evil.
Anonymous · 1 week ago
why were they quiet all along
Anonymous · 1 week ago
You are charged for building you rubbish on state property, charged for demolition costs, charged for removing and dumping you rubbish. Lack of respect
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 week ago
Start demolitions with your own house in Belvedere Mr Mafume,food for thought
Sir African. · 1 week ago
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Look, this issue of illegal structures, land barons and unplanned development needs to stop. At one point Harare needs to be properly run. What kind of city which does not have a master plan? Where have you seen such lawlessness and expect order and development? Is this the true reflection us? So what will become of Zimbabwe if the capital city is in such a mess?
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Leaders are a reflection of a nations people. I don't see anyone putting a stop to this behavior. Is this a reflection of Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans? That would be yes.
. · 1 week ago
it had a master plan u just don't look for it zvimwe zanu munga complain but bvumai kuti maka pusa kkkk
. · 1 week ago
.mb · 1 week ago
mame mame itai sesu vema yard kkkk
zvatanga · 1 week ago
Munembenge muripi vanhu vavaka vane ten years then from nowhere makuti I road hamhunzwire vanhu tsitsi Makaita sei varume imi makuva zvagara after 100 years anokukurwa ese povakwa dzimba pamusoro tingakoshese panogara mutumbi weapfuura tichitadza kukoshesa panogara vapenyu here ivai nomoyo mu**** imi musati maputsira vanhu pokugara..
. · 1 week ago
vanenge varipo imi ndimi musingaite zvodiwa chete. like ku waterfalls there is no u buy from council u buy from title deed owner we yard wonzi waka tengeserwa na baron. unenge waka pusaa kkkkk
g · 1 week ago
Saka muchaita sei

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