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ZRP Warns Of Growing Threat Posed By Counterfeit Products

2 days agoThu, 13 Mar 2025 11:54:47 GMT
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ZRP Warns Of Growing Threat Posed By Counterfeit Products

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has warned that the growing spread of counterfeit products in the country poses a significant threat to local industries if not addressed.

Speaking at the National Economic Consultative Forum (NECF) Dialogue on the Consequences of Counterfeit Products in Harare on Wednesday, 12 March, ZRP national spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi said that consumers are often deceived by counterfeit items, which are packaged to look identical to genuine products, sometimes even appearing more attractive. Said Nyathi:

If people take this counterfeiting issue for granted, they will wake up with no industry in Zimbabwe because the impact and implications are very broad, to be honest, and it is cutting across all sectors of the economy; look at agriculture which is being supplied with fake fertiliser, fake seed and fake chemicals.

And as police, we are saying the social and economic development of any country cannot effectively take place where there is no order.

From a health point of view, this is a security threat because we now have people bringing in fake vaccines, and some people are cashing in between US$20 000 and US$60 000 per week from these illicit deals.

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Buy Zimbabwe CEO Alouis Burutsa said that individuals selling counterfeit products should be regarded as economic saboteurs and dealt with severely. Said Burutsa:

Government is no longer collecting as much because everyone is counterfeiting and informalising. Through the Ministry of Justice (Legal and Parliamentary Affairs), we appeal to you to be serious about these things and put in place serious deterrent measures.

If somebody is caught with a pangolin, they go to jail for nine years. But someone who is killing the economy is given a fine of US$30 and goes scot-free. It does not make sense.

So, we need to be serious as a country and start taking these things and label these people as economic saboteurs and deal with them as such.

More: The Herald



1234 · 2 days ago
fix the economy not people
counterfeit zig ? · 2 days ago
i dont think the ZiG will ever be counterfeited, its just sh!t, so why would a person waste time counterfeiting pure fake sh!t !?
laugh emoji1
theLastAntKing · 2 days ago
kuma tuckshop ku downtown uko ma 20kg rice packs aya chenjerai morohwa pa town. 25kg ukaiyera inenge iri 18kg
Anonymous · 2 days ago
15 kgs not 18
theLastAntKing · 2 days ago
during the time ye Covid 19, Domestos yese yaitengeswa munyika waiva mubikirwa. Ma bottles acho raiva gold paMbare apo. Only OK & TM ndovaitengeswa yaidhailutiswa kuti zvibude. Aiwa mu Zimba chero mu desert anoita plan
Anonymous · 2 days ago
))))) Hot girls are waiting for you on --
Mudhibhisi · 2 days ago
The biggest problem is theGvt Of National Looters that is stealing billions of dollars in cash and resources, condemning millions of citizens to a life of misery and poverty. Pasi nehurumende yemakororo nehugeven'a inongozvifunga.
Oncemore · 2 days ago
Ma China ndivo vanogadzira ma fake, tine ma zimbos vakadzidzira kubika, bread, candles, Vaseline, drinks etc
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 days ago
CIO · 2 days ago
my guys i hv told ue about posting rubbish wakaisa number dzefoni its easy to trace u baba not zve zrp bt zvebasa chaizvo
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Then we have counterfeit people in government positions. Zvebasa zvipi zvaunotaura munyika isina road iwe?
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 1 day ago
mculi nthube · 2 days ago
CIO number inenge isiri yake iyo, pane ari kuda kunzi amurmur
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 days ago
🇿🇼 45yrs · 2 days ago
Ama2k doesn't know a payslip. Ama2k doesn't know queueing for a bank interest. Ama2k doesn't know kwambuya. Ama2k doesn't know where the employment offices are. Ama2k doesn't know laybyes. Ama2k doesn't know which one is heavy/light industry. Ama2k doesn't know that you can spend the whole day industry uchitsvaga basa. Ama2k doesnt know kuti haufanirwi mupinda mubhazi usina mbereko une mwana kumusana. Haaa so many things ama2k zvavasingazive because everything was destroyed because of having no industry!
Maslender manyama · 2 days ago
Uri shasha iwe!that's a critical analysis
🇿🇼 45yrs · 2 days ago
The industry has never been there for the past 15yrs so dont stress yourself too much
laugh emoji1
CIO · 2 days ago
ndyn umwe anogadzira shuga
Lm · 2 days ago
To end this turmoil and fraudulent is to develop our economy because it's going down down to the end we're black survivors
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 days ago
The 2nd fake is these PhDs awarded to some elite members of our community
laugh emoji1
roland · 2 days ago
(Wake up with no lndustry) ipi yacho.lndustry yakafa kare pamaCompany invasions.(Counterfeiting and lnformalising) Yes they are doing that to earn a living because they are victims of Company invasions .
007 · 2 days ago
from 20k per being cashed in yu never mentioned yo percentage every deals in Zim there iz yo hand tuu....
Tonyora · 2 days ago
We are failing ourselves. A fake product does not have a refund policy. Zhanga zhiri zhangu zha zhako. We know our problem. How do we deal with the elephant in the room. Again, I have seen expired products re-labelled and sold. This is happening even in formal supermarkets. The fact that we have no solution to drug problems, jobs, corruption, elections and so on. We are not qualified to talk about fake products. These problems are resulting from the obvious.
Dok25 · 2 days ago
Things are not progressing well because of counterfeit people in positions they do not deserve. People pretend to know what they do not know and come out with counterfeit decisions. The country should fight to eradicate counterfeit products the way they are fighting the drugs menace.

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