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Chamisa: The Scale Of Brain Drain Zimbabwe Is Experiencing Is Staggering

5 days agoFri, 14 Mar 2025 07:35:25 GMT
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Chamisa: The Scale Of Brain Drain Zimbabwe Is Experiencing Is Staggering

Former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa expressed his deep concern over Zimbabwe’s crippling brain drain, which has seen the country lose its brightest minds to foreign economies over the past two decades.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Chamisa revealed that he receives daily calls from professionals who are planning to leave Zimbabwe in search of better opportunities, a trend that has serious implications for the country’s economic development. He wrote:

Just this morning, I received four different calls from some professionals, all planning on leaving the country to seek opportunities in other countries.

My daily agony is waking up every day to the lived nightmare of receiving yet another call from a fellow Zimbabwean desperate to leave the country searching for what is believed to be greener pastures. This is a story I have experienced repeatedly for the past 20 years.

Often, these calls are not just conversations they are pleas for assistance and requests for guidance on finding a way to exit and escape to a perceived better life and future.

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The sheer scale of brain drain we are experiencing is staggering. As a nation, we are hemorrhaging talent and gifts losing the very citizens we have invested in and educated (with meager resources for that matter) to other economies, where they go to build and strengthen economies elsewhere.

According to Chamisa, it is nothing short of devastating that Zimbabwe has consistently haemorrhaged its most precious and strategic resource: its talented, skilled, and highly-educated young professionals. He added:

This is plainly heartbreaking. Leadership is the missing link. Those in leadership have let the people down. By leadership, I mean everyone within the ecosystem of governance and influence. Any serious leadership would not allow this hemorrhaging to continue untamed or unchecked.

We cannot continue with a situation where all of us, as a people, are perennially preoccupied with finding a way out of our own country. I am yet to see a nation that thrives when the bulk of its best minds are outside it. It can’t!

It has become a common disposition for citizens to go seeking opportunities in other countries. The motivation being that the grass is greener elsewhere.

Granted, the grass always seems greener elsewhere, but it should be greenest wherever we are. Yet, right now, that green grass is benefitting no one here—except a select few.

The former opposition leader urged Zimbabweans to come together to revamp the country’s economy, creating an environment that fosters growth, opportunity, and innovation, and put an end to the crippling brain drain that has plagued the nation.



African Observer · 3 days ago
mu Zimbabwe muriku fiwa kani especially ku health care uko haa ma1 chaiyo apo type dzaana hwenje dzinokwira ndege for cancer treatment ko tsepete tsepete yamunenge muchiimba madi kungorapwa pa Sally Mugabe nhai vahwenje
hkiy · 4 days ago
masanctions ane vanhu vaakapihwa not zimbabwe
@Antman · 4 days ago
politics is not about being arrested but why are journalists,activists being arrested here in Zimbabwe,for speaking the truth,how many scandals have been exposed,only Hopewell speaks out,our dear Chamisa beats behind the bush and doesn't speak out,if he is afraid of getting his hands dirty I wonder why though she is a snitch too he had to snatch the mdc presidency from Thokozani..paakazvigadza ddnt he know the risks associated with being leader of the opposition,nhas some fools come out and say he is doing it for his own safety🤣🤣.Zimboz tokuvadzwa neblind loyalty,jus because u don't like the regime it does mean Chamisa is right,otherwise that guy is part of our problems right now
@Antman · 4 days ago
*not only Hopewell,but fadzai nerimwe crew
Ź · 4 days ago
Antman · 4 days ago
How did He ask for sanctions
Antman · 4 days ago
Also when sanctions were imposed I believe Chamisa was a college student doing ZINASU things whilst perusing his law degree or Diploma.
Anonymous · 4 days ago
Ku**** kune tsete wazvinzwa!
Elder Micho · 4 days ago
He jst a Zanu pf project, true opposition is pruned ,chased or locked up. He's trying to propel yet another movement -Blue Cycle or Cyclone but don't be deserved he wants to make shuwa a false start in 2026. To elbow tru opposition from forming
Antman · 4 days ago
If true opposition is about being locked up then and being tortured then our politics are a fraud. The ruling party does not want to level the play field.
Hr · 4 days ago
politics is not about being arrested but why are journalists,activists being arrested here in Zimbabwe,for speaking the truth,how many scandals have been exposed,only Hopewell speaks out,our dear Chamisa beats behind the bush and doesn't speak out,if he is afraid of getting his hands dirty I wonder why though she is a snitch too he had to snatch the mdc presidency from Thokozani..paakazvigadza ddnt he know the risks associated with being leader of the opposition,nhas some fools come out and say he is doing it for his own safety🤣🤣.Zimboz tokuvadzwa neblind loyalty,jus because u don't like the regime it does mean Chamisa is right,otherwise that guy is part of our problems right now
Anonymous · 4 days ago
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thats true · 4 days ago
that is true 100% , you can see effects in the bunch clowns that are ruling here , their small dried out brains were drained long ago
Sheryl cee · 4 days ago
following Zimbabwe politics nekusupoter maworiors unofa nebp
coni · 5 days ago
everyone is planning on leaving zimbabwe kuchangosara zvivana zvembavha izvozvo
Antman · 4 days ago
Kkkk true that many folks want to work outside Zimbo
vaMubega · 5 days ago
saka mutsvene ndeupi, there must be a solution, victimisation tikaiwanza tavapa advantage vaye vaye, so let's think before we............, yes kana tiring hungry zviri pachena kuti tiring angry. mamwe ma comments enough oita semavekudzimaidzwa, mind you vanhu ava marombists futi vane mishonga yekupedzisira plus money is power kana tazogara
Mudhibhisi · 5 days ago
Behind that eloquence lies the betrayal of the wishes and aspirations of the people. We hear Chamisa was given millions of US dollars by Ediot. That's why Chamisa wld never organise any protests against the Gvt of National Looters. Basically we are on our own.
wamambo90 · 5 days ago
so mofunga akapusa here,look journalist akavharirwa just for an interview ko uyu akazotaura vanomuvharira vakamuteya
matrix · 5 days ago
mudhibisi. makanzwa makuhwa.mava kuparidza makuhwa.why not ask Chamisa to clarify your allegations.
... · 5 days ago
,why can't you organise you are aZimbabean
... · 5 days ago
Mudhibhisi,you are also a Zimbabean ,why can't you organise the protest
Sir African. · 5 days ago
Varume kana ari uyu ngaanyarare zvake .He is just a big mouth
Xxx · 4 days ago
What abt you? Uri chii pliz share.
Sir African. · 5 days ago
Dok25 · 5 days ago
The sad thing is that the professionals and the educated among us are silent and just look when government officials ignore or violate the very principles of the professions they are supposed to be guiding.
Xxx · 4 days ago
Would you trade places with Blessed Mhlanga?
will · 5 days ago
Chamisa is a millionaire just blinding ppl
will · 5 days ago
Chamisa can't solve internal problems within opposition party akaramwa MDC Alliance and CCC twice achiramwa anoda kuita party yake ari 1. Akasiya ati leadership ye opposition vatengesi kunze kwake iye chete chete idu zvii
Tarubva · 5 days ago
Ko kudya wakanyarara zvinei nhai chamisa?
Meel · 5 days ago
as much as I don't like everything..I came to to realize Chamisa is a sellout..he is probably dining with theee...Mhlanga chaise akasungwa,maactivists anosungea..Tsvangirai went in and out jail as the leader of opposition,sikhala..the list is endless..and then u have Chamisa..neva been arrested..that guy is a sellout.
Meel Reply · 5 days ago
Uri d0f0,kusungwa ndokunoratidza kut hausi sellout?vacho varikusungwa urikuvaitirei what abt their families? Zimbos we are cowards zvinonyadzisa,u want chamisa to protest ari 1 imi muchisvi ra vakadzi venyu ndokut mut he is not a sellout..He knows zvinosungisa nezvisingasungisi ,look at Tsvangirai aida vakadzi too much and Zanu pf saw his weakness vakamukandira eriza..pfooo hakuna munhu..This guy is very intelligent, i would not mind being his personal security..he is actually my hero more than all war veterans
Xxx · 4 days ago
You are the same naye, making your noise pasocial media. Endaka live show Meel,trade places with Mhlanga.Vakaenda kangani mujeri yourself.
horror · 5 days ago
pamberi nema China akusimudzira economy
😎Tous l'est, jours · 5 days ago
Vamwe vari buda vamwe vachipindavese Hameno zvenyu imi ve hemorrhaging hemorrhaging Chinese Asians are taking over with or without conditions preset
Vin Petrol · 5 days ago
Mhatà yako chamisa ka 20 hauna plan
destro · 5 days ago
yamoms vako ine honye everyday na 3pm
Nzarayebonde · 5 days ago
Haiwawo urikudya navo iwe.
chomi · 5 days ago
not only brain also resources drain ...you seem a good leader speak and talk nicely to the other leaders or else we ask for the real movement we are tied and tired
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 5 days ago
Yass maabe they're following their resources. Zim resources are building cities in the UAE 🇦🇪
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 5 days ago
Replacing smart people with fake PhD holders is doing more harm to the country. Cry the beloved country 😭

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