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Harare Cracks Down On Partitioned Buildings Passing As Shopping Malls In CBD

2 days agoFri, 14 Mar 2025 14:56:16 GMT
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Harare Cracks Down On Partitioned Buildings Passing As Shopping Malls In CBD

Harare Mayor, Councillor Jacob Mafume, says businesses operating in partitioned shops, masquerading as shopping malls to avoid paying individual shop licences, will now be required to pay separate business licences.

Mayor Mafume clarified that true shopping malls, such as Sam Levy’s Village and Westgate Mall, are large commercial complexes with unified ownership structures and shared facilities, distinguishing them from businesses operating in partitioned spaces in the Central Business District. He said:

The issue of what they call malls, frankly speaking, does not fit the definition of what we understand as malls, either locally or internationally.

Someone just partitions their shop, names it after their grandmother, and suddenly claims it’s a mall.

When you subdivide your shop and put in multiple smaller shops within it, you have not necessarily created a mall.

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You have simply created several businesses that should be paying licences to the city as individual shops.

The idea of calling it a mall is simply an attempt to evade paying for each business. There is no common ownership; various tenants are operating separately, and they must be licensed accordingly.

In the old days, we used to have a one-size-fits-all licence. A supermarket and a small shop would pay the same fee.

But in the new budget, we have created clusters based on floor size. Each shop must now pay a fee that matches its actual business space.

Mafume said these unregulated malls on city planning and cleanliness, saying the mushrooming of partitioned shops has led to increased litter, pollution, and congestion in commercial areas.

More: The Herald



Anonymous · 2 hours ago
Guys, I used to visit Harare every from 1998 to 2007. By the I partly admired our capital city. 2018 I revisited Harare, I was ashamed and embarrassed by what I saw. First of all I couldn't recognise the streets, saddened by the congestion of people roaming the streets without reaching their destinations,, the unemployment it's very scary, I had a feeling that , even a pedestrian owners a car, but he or she does not want to drive because a pedestrian is faster than a motorist. Let's not blame foreigners for the firlthness of country. I don't know if Zimbabweans are as generous as South Africans ,or as Batswanas. Truly, I'm sure if Zimbabweans were South Africans, or Batswanas would not tolerate what Zimbabweans are doing in those countries. As hardships in our country are forcing us to be stray cats in foreign countries, some foreigners also fill the gap we leave behind in country, I was once a foreigner in an African country and I experienced humiliation and I was also blamed for messing and suspected to be committing crimes. Not a every foreigner is a criminal, some of them are cleaner and smarter than us. Let's hold our leaders accountable, they should implement rules that punish litter scatters. In Zimbabwe we have inexperienced city planners. Infrastructures are rapidly expanding, but unfortunately, that doesn't include roads development and sanitation. Roads in Harare are now unable to contain volume of transportation,
Anonymous · 9 hours ago
Haa solution apa gadzirisai nyika becoz the only source of income in zim is business u keep on adding taxes to people without money an leading us to be more poor itay henyu zvamada 😢😢😢
Anonymous · 10 hours ago
Our streets have become a fair Haven for illegal activities because of these vendors.Tjey do not sell veggies as most of you might think, drugs mbanje and even special minerals like gold Street vending makes it practically possible for illegal forex deals. Minus street vending minus numerous problems facing the country. Please let us all wake up and face the Harare of 1980.
African Observer · 23 hours ago
pandangoona pakanzi the herald ndabva ndati oh shame
Anonymous · 1 day ago
To increase cleaniliness in our former sunshine city. City fathers must make sure that if someone partitions his or her building and increase number of people. The person must put oublic bins and organise private disposal of these bins. For tax purposes every owner of these building must provide the list of all business and make sure they pay cuty levies and zimra. Failure to that city fathers and zimra must garnish the owner. For those operating on veranders owners of these buikdings must also provide and protect their space by leaving them.there city fathers and zimra must assume they are paying rent to the owners therefore the owner of the building must account for them. With that move our city will have order.
Tiktok · 1 day ago
Guys nyaya hombe ndeyekuti Zim haina mabasa zvachose chose ndofunga everyone is aware of this,As people are flocking from rural districts or rural homes,population increases,we have foreigners from DRC,MOZAMBIQUE,SOMALIA, RWANDA and other countries population also increases then inhouse population since people are giving births leading to unemployment.Dzosai maIndustries amakavhara vanhu vaite vashoma mumaStreets and **** inoitawo shoma,Apa hatimboda kuvandirana vanhu havana zvekuita kunze kwekutotengesa muCBD nemumaRoadsides kushaya mabasa uye hakuna kwekuenda hurumende apa chokwadi chiripo tsvagai chaita kuti musoro uteme.
Anonymous · 9 hours ago
Anonymous · 1 day ago
It's a result of a ****ed up, corrupt, failed government of thieves I mean ****ing thieves
Anonymous · 19 hours ago
Problem is this, you jus say what you say yet you don't understand how the whole economy works, we cannot wake up here and say tatove neIndustry here are jobs, and if they are there are you qualified enough my guy
Anonymous · 13 hours ago
So toita Seiko kuti tive ne industry nhai Mr learned? Ko imi what are u doing to contribute to that? Isusu we know the problem. It's the thieving government. So pasi nembwa idzodzi
Anonymous · 5 hours ago
Aaaa nhai veduveee..They should just fix bad governance. Ndokwazvirikubva. We can very well wake up zvinhu zvachinja if we address the elephant in the room my guy.
guwa · 1 day ago
hamusi tombosiya kana cent ,pease makungo torera vanhu Mari hamunyare imbwa dzevanhu,ukatoisa maearphones radio license ,yowe ,tikwanireiwo
Anonymous · 1 day ago
These People are Escaping From Tongogara Refugees Camp and Messing Our Zimbabwe Culture and Crime .Gov and Immigration authorities are To Blame for This Mess Even Tuma MuShika it's all Foreigners and Killing in Roads Accidents
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Most if Not 95% Are Foreigners Dirtying Our Clean Country Coz we Zimbabweans are Naturally Born Clean Tidying and Crime Free We are Blessed but we Entangled with Mosikan/Congolese/Rwandan and Filthy Cultures. Let's Say No to Dirty and Their Lawless Behaviour. In Our immigration Should Start Revisiting Them Everywhere we're TumuTundu Shops Are
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Lol iwe kaiwe .Rega a zimbo and I know zimboz are dirty
guwa · 1 day ago
unotorwara wo zvako
laugh emoji3
Anonymous · 1 day ago
ZvakaNaka TinoZvidawo so let's Start Being Clean and tidy it's Good for Health and Peaceful Mind Too. We Need Order in Zimbabwe kwete Zveku Mombe. And After All Cleanly Ness is Next to God kwete Marara Everywhere Chiyi
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Zimbabwe Law's Should meet International Standards To Avoid City Being Like Dumbsites We Need Clean Citizenship system not Zveku Mombe.We need to Attractive City for Tourist and Crime Free. RUBBISH Dambing Fined as Like America Even Paper s put Them in Bins or your Beg Not Dambing Everything else Anyway Look at Places Like Dubai /UK and America Why Zimbabwe They are Clean City. Taka Jayidzwa T**** That should Change
Anonymous · 13 hours ago
Muma street hatibude **** tichaisa
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Any Sub Divisions Should Comply with Laws or The Owners be Fined Heavily
Anonymous · 1 day ago
If Owner sublets Then Oner Should Pay all Sub Divions Easy cause it's his Property Being Sublletted Hence Owners Should have to Pay on Top of TheirPremisses Any Subletion Plus VAT and Also ****nces Them Accordingly or Shut the Mall
Bob Many · 1 day ago
Ma vendor opinda ma1 ma shops opindwa hard fut. Dzimba kuna Harare Drive vakuda kupaza. Gore rino tinochiona chet
Sir African. · 2 days ago
It can be argued in a court of law
Anonymous · 2 days ago
-- Hot girls are waiting for you on --
Dindingwe · 2 days ago
People are following in your footsteps Jack, just like what you did with your house in Belvedere. Gakanje usati vana vako usafambe beside iwe uchiziva kuti ndiwo maberekerwo enyu!
Roland · 2 days ago
True ( we cannot replicate ) just give a second look at our real malls High Glen , Chitungwiza even that Westgate they are an eyesore . let them call those partitioned buildings Malls coz that reflects the true Zimbabwe Economy.
Dok25 · 2 days ago
The other countries the mayor is talking about have formal economies and we cannot replicate what is done there into our informal economy where people are hustling for survival.
Lizwe · 2 days ago
well said
Another Generation · 1 day ago
anonymous...why is he still a mayor whilst he was in city of harare scandals ?

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