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Proof Of Customs Duty Payment Now Required For Groceries, Alcoholic And Non-Alcoholic Beverages

3 days agoFri, 14 Mar 2025 08:57:42 GMT
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Proof Of Customs Duty Payment Now Required  For Groceries, Alcoholic And Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Minister, Mthuli Ncube, has said authorities will now treat all alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as basic commodities like refined sugar, detergents, and dairy products, as smuggled items unless the owner can prove they paid customs duty.

This is being done to stop the influx of smuggled goods into the domestic market, which is hurting local industries by creating unfair competition.

Ncube’s remarks were delivered by Joseph Mverecha, the ministry’s chief director of economic affairs, during a presentation titled “Macro Economic Stabilisation Policies” at the Zimbabwe Staff College in Harare on Thursday, March 13, as part of the Joint Command and Staff Course.

Ncube said that while authorities have already launched a nationwide crackdown on smuggled goods, some counterfeit products are being made in local backyard industries.

Smuggled goods are in high demand because they’re cheap, as they don’t pay import duties or taxes. However, reduces demand for goods sold by registered operators, making it hard for them to stay viable, pay taxes, and create jobs.

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Ncube said despite these headwinds, Zimbabwe is expected to grow by 6% this year, driven by a strong recovery in agriculture and good performance in mining and tourism. Said Ncube:

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, dairy products, washing powder, detergents and sugar, among others, are now deemed as smuggled unless sellers provide documentary evidence that customs duty was paid for.

Ncube said to address informalisation, the Government has taken steps to level the playing field. The introduction of a 5% withholding tax payable to wholesalers and manufacturers is aimed at improving tax compliance among unregistered small to medium enterprises.

He said the value-added tax registration threshold has been reduced from US$40,000 to US$25,000, encouraging more businesses to formalise their operations.

More: The Herald



Anonymous · 1 day ago
The whole entirely government under Ncube .Nthuli has fail locals..his system doesn't work at all..mdara step down pachineguva don't put pressure on the poorer.....You guys are busy smuggling gold out of the the country not helping the citizens...Mabika mbodza ndeenyu idyai moga ..
Anonymous · 2 days ago
These so called Ministers are just crafting policies to milk consumers pockets dry and making life even harder for the ordinary citizenry who are trying to make ends meet and earn a living.
Sir African. · 2 days ago
guwa · 2 days ago
does he even believe his stories guys ,dzinenge dzikudiwa ku annex amboongororwa
Itai Ncube · 3 days ago
My thinking: 1. Entrepreneurs lack information on how to access skills on manufacturing products. I have been thinking about who I can approach to get information concerning the making of energy drinks like dragon. Not even one institution which trains people in our country in such areas. 2. I have been trying to know how I can do my own beer at small scale legally but eish it seems to be a closed area and that allows the only players to monopolize the market and present expensive products which forces consumers to look for alternatives. The beverages industry must be opened to everyone who wants to try it. Tinodawo kubika doro at our small scale levels saka ngazvivhurike pareve kuve nemonology 3. Why is that even if an imported product is declared normally it will still be cheaper than our local produced products? There is something our government must look closely into. 4. There should be paid more attention to the production aspect in our country. I am trying broilers but the cost of a chick itself has no justification of costing 1.04us the feeds are more expensive as compared to the same stuff in our region. 5. Government should not just protect manufactures but also the consumers and supporting entrepreneurs to be aggressively involved in production.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Well said !was also trying to do the analysis.kunzima
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Xxx · 2 days ago
Well said that is THEE solution not more taxes
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Very true
Anonymous · 2 days ago
My sentiments...I've always, questioned why our local products are more expensive than imported. It doesn't make sense at all. Local products should benefit and self sufficient the country and not extortionate it/them. If then the products do get exported because of their high quality, then they can be charged at a higher price in other countries. Why destroy your own to benefit
Anonymous · 3 days ago
;))) Hot girls are waiting for you on --
show us · 3 days ago
we require proof of gold reserves for the powerful ZIG !!!
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 3 days ago
zva achapera ma dragon,switch muma shop
manake · 3 days ago
hanzimurombo haarove chinenguwo
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Vana OK, PnP, Spar neamwe maIndegenous akabvira kare kutsutsumwa nyaya yemaVendors anotengesa pamaDoor emaSupermarket avo, vachitengesa the same things in the supermarket. Government ignored and actually seemed to protect the vendors. Pakangotanga nyaya yeChoppies, stance yeGoverment yakabva yachinja.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Ko mativengereiko?
vaMubega · 3 days ago
every ministry was mandated to execute ma duties avo. bt everyone of them ari kuda kunzi a implimentor something zvichikuvadza vanhu
e d i o t · 3 days ago
hmmmmmMthuli Ncube e d i o t
Meel · 3 days ago
Modi,Choppies effect
pk · 3 days ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 VAT reduced from 40k to 25k to make it easy for unregistered small businesses to register 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
laugh emoji1
Helter Skelter · 3 days ago
Drama chaiyo paZim. The ministers in this government are in a stampede to say/ do something that is against the majority of the citizens' wishes. There is a tendency to circumvent the real matters the people want addressed. They trivialise the most important matters and exult the trivial. Ndeipi ministry yatingataure nezvayo iri kumboyedza kuperfomer even a bare minimum?
Muchamutsa henyu · 3 days ago
Ministry of transport and sewage everywhere.kkkkkkkkkk
Ediots · 3 days ago
OPEN FOR BUSINESS THEY SAID! Gvt is driving the cost of business higher than customers can cover them. thats what happens when ediots are in power
chomi · 3 days ago
are the policies for or against the majority?
wamambo90 · 3 days ago
siya zvakadaro zvichavawanawo one day
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 3 days ago
The moment Raj Modi took charge of Choppies and Spar supermarkets, a rift of regulations governing grocery retailership are being set up.

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