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Tackling Unemployment Must Come Before Crackdown On Vendors, Says Mahere

1 day agoFri, 14 Mar 2025 13:14:14 GMT
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Tackling Unemployment Must Come Before Crackdown On Vendors, Says Mahere

Former opposition MP Fadzayi Mahere has called on the government to address the root causes of the country’s economic struggles, arguing that once the fundamentals are fixed, citizens will have access to dignified employment opportunities and will no longer be forced into vending.

Mahere’s comments came in response to a 48-hour deadline issued by the government on Wednesday, demanding local authorities clear illegal vendors, particularly night traders, from undesignated areas in cities and towns across the country.

She argued that no one enjoys vending, but people are pushed onto the streets to engage in hawking because they have no other choice, given the severe unemployment crisis in the country. Said Mahere:

In the 80s, you didn’t have vendors on every street corner and in every road of Zimbabwe’s cities because the economy worked. 

One could get an education or skills then get employment or become an entrepreneur. Zimbabwe had a functional currency. 

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We did not have 49% extreme poverty. The country was not bleeding US$2,2 billion annually to corruption and illicit financial flows. 

We had an extremely productive agricultural sector, a robust manufacturing sector and a decent service industry.

None of that is true today.

The former Mt Pleasant MP believes that every Zimbabwean desires dignity and that Zimbabweans are inherently hardworking and resilient. 

However, she argues that they have been deprived of an environment that enables the average person to earn a decent living. Added Mahere:

Nobody wants to wake up everyday and be a vendor nor does anybody want to spend the night buying and selling to survive. 

But what option do the masses have when they’ve been forced into this desperate position by a predatory, corrupt, incompetent, looting elite?

I can assure you that if the Govt fixes the fundamentals in our economy and people have opportunities and a dignified way to make a living, the vending crisis will take care of itself.

You cannot forcibly drive vendors off the street when you pushed them there with your incompetence, insatiable greed and destruction of the economy and the country.

Mahere said government officials who issued the directive to remove vendors from the streets are out of touch with reality, as they are insulated from the economic hardships faced by ordinary Zimbabweans. She said:

The detached political elites cannot even see the irony in chasing people off the street from the safety of their air-conditioned offices, big cars and lavish lifestyles that are the direct result of looting the very resources that should have been ploughed into the economy so that people aren’t forced into the pain and indignity of vending. Where is the empathy or accountability for the mess they created?

This is the most anti-poor, anti-productivity and anti-progress Govt this country has ever witnessed. It’s a mess.

Minister of Local Government and Public Works, Daniel Garwe, who announced the 48-hour deadline, said the rapid growth of unregulated marketplaces has disrupted legally registered businesses. 

He also said these markets have intensified unfair competition and created unsanitary conditions, which pose a risk for disease outbreaks like cholera and typhoid.



Anonymous · 11 hours ago
What is planned for 31st March???
xxc · 18 hours ago
its better to die in street vending than at home , kunge vanerudo nevanhu malootors mmbavha dzevanhu kushungurudza vanhu kunge maforegn
Nero · 19 hours ago
Vaizviti vendors 4ed ma.mama🤣
Concerned · 19 hours ago
munhu kana aine zvese anoona sekunga vamwe wese havana basa. Asi vanhu ivavo vanganzi havana basa, vanovada kana vaakuda kukwidzwa pazvigaro zvepamusoro. Vanonyengedzwa nezvinhu zvisina basa zvakaita sema lollipop nema scud. later on vatora zvigaro zvavo, vasina basa vaya vanonga vaakusemwa nawo. Hameno kuti isu tisina basa tichadzidza riini kushandiswa tichipfirwa sembwa.
Zengeza · 1 day ago
Ivo vanotumwa nana garwe ndiwo matsaga varikudya vachiguta
Anonymous · 1 day ago
)) Hot girls are waiting for you on -- Fun4.top
Hr · 1 day ago
just saw a video of vendors in mutare vachitema kanzuru,these guys know wat they are doing vakungoda vanhu vadzosere like this then they pounce using full force come 31 March madhiri anageza adhakwa.mumatown mavaclean..well calculated move
The High Priest · 1 day ago
my dear brother can you clarify to me what exactly going to take place on the 31th of March?? I didn't have any info about the on coming day
Anonymous · 1 day ago
Takuziva kuti farai marapira akapinda basa nekuti ishamwari yemwana wa vene, ndaishaya kuti zanupf yakawana kupi munhu akavata kudaro. Can you compare farai na Fadzai. Geza, I am waiting for signal.
Mudhibhisi · 1 day ago
Nhau Dzanhasi Voruzhinji vonyunyuta nekuda kwekunonoka kunaya kwemvura zhinji yeCyclone Geza.Vazhinji vanga vaine tarisiro yekuti mvura zhinji iyi yaizokukura Garwe guru richiiswà paruware. Garwe iri rinova rinotungamira mamwe makarwe ranetsa zvikuru munyika.Rinonzi rinotora zvipfúyo zvevanhu richivasiya vasina kana pekutangira. -Hurumende yemakororo yoshiropodzá nekuda kwemitemo yanyanya munyika. Mitemo iyi inonzi inoshungurudza veruzhinji kuvaita nhapwa chaidzo munyika yekwavo. -Huye kuchange kuine mabiko makuru kumuzinda wemakororo, State House. Zvinotarisirwa kuti kuti kuchange kusingadanwi anonzwa sezvo makororo mazhinji achange aripo. Hurumende yemakororo nehugeven'a yakatokoka mamwe makororo anembiri kubva kunedzimwe nyika. Kwanhasi tomirira Pano Wenyu mudhibhisi, Mudhibhisi
Africa bet · 1 day ago
at one time pakatombonzi kana usina chekukwidzira kwidzira bhurugwa rako, hanganwa dzacho. chete mbavha ino kanganwa zvainenge yakataura nezuro
coni · 1 day ago
at one time pakambonzi ndadira jecha.
Africa bet · 1 day ago
coni siririswawo nevanhu vari kushupika, it's not about Mahere kana Chamisa, ngaitionei pa ground kuti pari sei then tozo supporter zvedu
Tiktok · 1 day ago
Team kubatana ndiyo shamu and Zimbabwe was said is open for business, they forgot what they said.Now they are chasing vendors but some of the big fishes went to school through their parents who were vending in streets. To you police, soldiers and local authorities don't forget that to be where you are its because of vending because things were very tough and they still tough.Tell us where to go when you chase vendors from roadsides, moreover havasi kutoba vari kushanda zvinoonekwa vari kuba muri kusiya vakadaro.Vendors are the young youths from school because industries are closed and no employment at all so why is it so simple to kill the lives of the unemployed
Africa bet · 1 day ago
supporter yeDynamos ine njema, club chairman taikumbirawo faindi yeumwe wedu please
BRICK FORCE · 1 day ago
Todini nhai Mwari
BIG SMOKE🇿🇼@# · 1 day ago
mahere arikuziva pachokwadi koz mazim tirikutambura apa motirambidza kuita zvinotiraramisa mukuda kt tife nenzara hr???????? ndrikuda answer
Bob Many · 1 day ago
Seh wahh. Put headline pon repeat. Pliiiz. TACKLE UNEMPLOYMENT B4 CRACKDOWN ON UNEMPLOYMENT
Vin Petrol · 1 day ago
Vin Petrol · 1 day ago

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