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ZimParks Ranger Killed By Elephant In Kariba

2 days agoFri, 14 Mar 2025 11:14:18 GMT
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ZimParks Ranger Killed By Elephant In Kariba

A Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) ranger, Josphat Mandishara, 62, tragically lost his life on Thursday, March 13, after being trampled by an elephant during a routine patrol in the Gatche-gatche area of Kariba.

In a statement released on Friday, March 14, ZimParks spokesperson Tinashe Farawo confirmed that Josphat Mandishara, 62, was attacked by the elephant around 10 PM while returning to the harbour where he and two colleagues had docked their boat.

At the time of the attack, his two colleagues were occupied with another task. The statement reads:

Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) is deeply saddened to announce the untimely death of 62-year-old Ranger Josphat Mandishara, who tragically lost his life after being trampled by an elephant in Kariba.

The incident occurred on 13 March 2025, around 2200 hours, during a routine extended patrol in the Gatche-gatche area where the deceased was accompanied by two fellow ZimParks Rangers and a detail from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) when they went for resupply at the Gatche-gatche Irrigation Scheme.

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While his colleagues were occupied, Ranger Mandishara returned to the harbour where their boat was docked.

Unfortunately, during this short trip, he encountered a charged elephant that emerged unexpectedly and fatally injured him.

His remains were transported to Kariba District Hospital for a post-mortem and the incident was reported to the Police.

In response to this tragedy, ZimParks has dispatched Rangers from the Charara Safari Area to manage the problem animal.

The safety of our staff and wildlife is our utmost priority, and we are committed to taking the necessary measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

The Director General, Prof. Edson Gandiwa and the ZimParks family extends their heartfelt condolence to the family, friends, and colleagues of Ranger Mandishara during this difficult time.

He will be remembered for his dedication and service to wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe.



Lone Ranger · 31 minutes ago
Ana @ S.Class na @Chigananda chematama you should know kuti pachivanhu tinoti 'wafa wanaka' let's respect our dead . Age is just a number and for your information 62 is considered a young age if you still fit and healthy , there are some older people in government whom you glorify and for you to deride this late ranger is tantamount to disrespect. You should just respect this ranger for he is a hero who passed on in line of duty.
tobo · 1 day ago
Vanhu ava matsotsi I think there we're pochering saka uyo akazo attacker ndeye aiva lookout yavo ayita ega
. · 2 days ago
RIP bro
Chokunaka · 2 days ago
Uuuum nedzoi
Anonymous · 2 days ago
;) Hot girls are waiting for you on -- Fun4.top
🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ · 2 days ago
Kasongo Kasongo yeyeye 🐘
Anonymous · 2 days ago
I sure hope that Nat Parks don't kill the elephant. But I am sure they will - they want to sell the nyama and the skin and the IVORY.
Roadkill · 2 days ago
Zvagara any animal that kills is tracked and put down
Tango · 2 days ago
What is the zimpark policy on patrolling parks. I think for health and safety reasons he was supposed to be with another work colleague. Why was he left to roam the park by himself
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 days ago
Why wasn't he carrying a firearn, elephants are scared of the sound of gun shots fired in the air, they run for dear life. RIP
Khulu Dube · 2 days ago
This elephant is a cruel animal. Killing its protector !!
Chigananda chematama · 2 days ago
what was he doing alone.isnt their policy that you are never alone.occupied doing what exactly without sekuru.anywhwere mhsrip
War vet · 2 days ago
Mazuva · 2 days ago
I think that rangers should always accompany each other in operational areas. One will always look out for the other. Did the Charara rangers put down the rogue elephant?
fugu pfeee · 2 days ago
nzou ikauraya munhu inourawa nedzimwe nzou futi
BRICK FORCE · 2 days ago
iiiiiii ndizvo here fugu
S. Class · 2 days ago
Well what i know is aigari nedzimwe Nzou inenge ichirowa
S. Class · 2 days ago
62 year old uncle still active as a game ranger. Chiendai kumusha sekuru makura avade. Anywhere RIP uncle.
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 2 days ago
Most Zimbos can't afford to retire wangu
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Mumwe anenge achitofarira basa rake. 62 pabasa hazvimboshamisi. Retirement is actually a death sentence for many. Once you stop being active and having a reason for waking up, spending time away from home, the death clock starts accelerating. 62 haimboshamisi. . At 62 you can still be quite fit both mentally and physically. Aging process varies from individual to individual..Mumwe at 46 avakutoita semudhara.
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Haaa my friend. Your reasoning is so flawed! There are lots of people who are hard core out there! Some 65 year olds are actually younger physically that your 30year old fat ass. AGE IS JUST A NUMBER FOR SOME! Especially when it comes to such jobs as parks rangers, farmers, soldiers etc. Haumiri 5seconds naye nuRing, haumhanyirani naye. Zvese nepabonde🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Unotorerwa mukadzi.
S. Class · 2 days ago
Iwe ananias did I insult anyone. Why did you have to call me ass. Mind you language. Chete ndozvauri 24 hours pa PINDULA you have nothing else to do. If you had anything to do you would be wiser. Yes we know that age is nothing but a number asika make way for the young blood. Sorry anonymous I didn't mean to be rude
S. Class · 2 days ago
Okay my ass is fat well yours is over grown
S. Class · 2 days ago
Okay thanks I might have a fat ass well thank you over grown frog
COVIDGNER · 2 days ago
yaaa I can appoint you a VIDGNER in the COVIDIUM for COVIDIATION COVIDIANISM CORRECTIONAL CCC ndiripo zvangu Muchengeti wesungamusana wenyika
Tango · 2 days ago
What is the retirement age in zimbabwe? Probably between 60 - 65 years. Even if he retires how much pension will he get? We have seen people getting 2000US$ after working 40 years. The pension has been eroded making it hard for people to retire. They would rather keep on working than retiring.
Tonyora · 2 days ago
After retirement, one still needs to eat and drink.
TAXPAYERS · 2 days ago
anofira halazi,,makiwa acho atori kutotamba play station nw,,,

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