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Kwekwe General Hospital Mortuary Attendants Accused Of Demanding Bribes From Mourning Families

1 week agoSun, 16 Mar 2025 12:30:33 GMT
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Kwekwe General Hospital Mortuary Attendants Accused Of Demanding Bribes From Mourning Families

The Anti-Corruption Commission of Southern Africa Trust (ACT-SA) has accused attendants at Kwekwe General Hospital of allegedly demanding bribes from grieving families in exchange for expedited clearance of their deceased relatives from the mortuary.

In a statement released on Thursday, ACT-SA director Obert Chinhamo claimed that hospital attendants are reportedly soliciting bribes on behalf of doctors to fast-track the necessary paperwork. 

Chinhamo also expressed concern that the doctors involved may be unaware of the corrupt actions of certain personnel at the hospital’s mortuary, which could be tarnishing their professional reputations. Said Chinhamo:

ACT-SA has received with concern unfortunate developments at Kwekwe General Hospital in which mourners face difficulties to retrieve bodies of their ones from the mortuary for burial before certain payments are allegedly made to some officials at the mortuary.

It is alleged that these officials at the mortuary solicit money, which they say is for doctors to enable them to sign certain documents before the bodies can be retrieved from the mortuary for burial. The fact that the monies paid are not receipted, raises suspicion of corruption.

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However, the hospital’s Acting Medical Superintendent, Dr Bruce Mhondiwa, has dismissed the allegations.

Dr Mhondiwa urged anyone who has made such payments to come forward and report the matter to both the police and the hospital administration. He said:

It’s actually a surprise to me because normally burial orders are for free. Doctors normally write burial orders every morning. I haven’t received any complaints.

Normally we complaints raised at the hospital and it is protocol in the Ministry of Health and Childcare to investigate the complaints and redress the problems and the complaints within seven days.

I urge the community if they are facing challenges at our mortuary to contact the Medical Superintendent over the challenges. We say no to corruption, we don’t want corruption.

No one is supposed to pay for that, there is no fee for that. It’s for free. Please let them come out so that we help them.

More: The Mirror



Gaddafi · 1 week ago
zvitunha haisi nyore hapana unochida chibasa icho regai apiwe mari
geza 2 · 1 week ago
hausi corruption kungwavha ngwavha
f · 1 week ago
zvaisada kunyorwa panews paingoda kusunga vanhu chete vanebasa rachowo varicorupt futi totizira kupi chokwadi
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Tikati vanhu vese vanoita huori ngavasungwe iwe unosara here?talk is cheap wangu.
Makandiwa · 1 week ago
Zvemuzim munhu wese pane paanotomboitawo corruption otherwise you won't survive. Even wacho waurikuda kuti asunge vanhu.sorry shamwari yangu nzara iri kwese
🤩🇿🇼🤫🤭🤐🙄🤔 · 1 week ago
As lm speaking Divine cross boarder bus is at Zimra offices in Chiredzi and passengers are gathered there waiting for lnspection of their goods but the officials are saying inspection will be conducted tomorrow.Kuitawo here uku kana ndimiwo vanosvika riinhi vese vanopfuurira nerwendo zvakaoma hazvo
Mortuary Attendant · 1 week ago
vapei Mari zvifambe kk
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Yes to smuggling
Mortuary Attendant · 1 week ago
I corruption kumba kwenyu kwatiri madhiri e graft
Team Bvanyangu · 1 week ago
Ipai vashandi mari inovakwanira, kudhara pay yaitenga fridge,bed full set,TV,grocery rinopedza mwedzi imwe mari ichitosara so vanhu vari kutambura asi hamudi kubvuma basa nderekungosunga vanhu nepamwe pasingaiti panoda kuti imi mega mugadzirise and hamudi kunzwa nezvazvo so where are we going,what will be our destination, what will be the young generation's future.Totally distorted no bright future for our young kids
Supercop · 1 week ago
The government is not determined to stop this corruption. All I need to do is to stand with a bereaved relative. Wait for the payment demand, and I pay with trap money. Catch the receiver and let him lead me to the next recipient. Zvatopera. I can carry out such arrests at at least three hospitals a day before they know my face and someone else takes over.
Mortuary Attendant · 1 week ago
Vari kudhizisa ku clear mombe makavasunga here,,pane asingazive here kuti mushika shika kunotambwa ma game $5nepolice ,,@supa corpses tanga wasunga vekubasa kwako
The High Priest · 1 week ago
taura hako ku clear zvipfuwo mahara bt police ikudhizisa zvokurevesa, kungodya payakasungirira, corruption kulooter maresources enyika anofanira kubatsira every resident, zvimwe izvo kutungana kwembudzi
Supercop 1 · 1 week ago
Ehe vasunge apa hauna kana cash
Mazuva · 1 week ago
There is a sharp contradiction in what the author is attributing to Dr Bruce Mhondiwa. In the author's words, the doctor dismissed the allegations. In the doctor's words which the reporter quotes, there is nothing like that. The doctor sounds very professional. This reporter must be professional.
Botha · 1 week ago
masvingo mukadzi akabatsigwa kuti abude you pay 10us nxaaa ndozviripo inhau yekutsvaka mati chete. mukazvitsvaga munozvimba miaoro kkkk
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 1 week ago
Can you see the thousand words in that picture?
Makatukura · 1 week ago
gumlaz · 1 week ago
i chokwadi isu takaitambwa mukunge aziva kuti pane vauy a kotora body kwakunovanda muchipatara kufona kudai zvikanz ndatochaisa ndatova kumba ndokuti tine body yatirikuda zvikanzi munemari yetaxi here sekuti ndokwira makombi maviri kusvika ipapo saka tax inokasira ndokuti kumba nxekupi sezvo tine mota tizokutorai kwakukata foni kdai foni haichapindi yakungoti user buisy kwakuchifona neimwe number zvikanzi tax inoda 10$ tikati tinayo saka tidii zvikanz regai ndifonere tax driver auye mumupe mari yacho auye kuznditora ndokut kwirai ikko tozomupa kuno zvikanzi 40mins tym.ndendasvka izvo isu takagara pagate nomota yakapinda muhsptl pa 40 mins idzodzo asi dzaingobuda sekuti kwakwava kuma 5 pm ndokuchizofonerwa nevanhu vanga vari ku motuary kuti chiuyai tizopiwa body muchinda uya auya tikati auya neyi zvikanzi honda fit asi hamna kuiona ichipinda pagate takafa nekuseka ndokuzoti tapiwa body ndokunzi iyo tax yaauya nayo apa yaive yakapakiwa nechekuseri ndokubvunza mumwe muchinda kuti iyo imota yaani zvikanz ndeyemuchinda anoshanda ku motuary zvakandibhowa guys chekuita pane pasina hapo sezvo memuchimhanyidzana nenguva kwekwe nxaaa
Anonymous · 1 week ago
What can the Superintendent say? He won't say the complains are true,lest he expose his workmates....
Z · 1 week ago
Makatukura · 1 week ago
Corruption from birth to death
𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽 ʷᵒᶻᵃ ᵐᵒʸᵃ · 1 week ago
This is a countrywide issue but most often it involves funeral parlours, there's some sort of red tape when one needs to have one's deceased declared dead by the doctor. Claims that there are no available doctors to certify the deceased dead, some people end up bribing or buying up doctors to do them favours to expedite the process. The red tape is deliberate, meant invite a bribe.
stitch · 1 week ago
Zvimwe zvinhu siyaiwo zvakadaro. ukaenda Pa Harare hospital panotove nemahwindi anokutambira kugedhe kana wauya kuzotora body. Basa rema mortuary attendants ndere kutora mabodies evanhu vanenge vashaika from wards and those coming from outside and seeing safe custody and accountability until collection. You identify your body and move out to your vehicle. It is not the duty of the attendants kutakura body yenyu. zviriko kwese kwete kungoda kusvibisa mabasa amusingagoni kuita kuita kunge nyoka inoruma chaisingadye. Tikati huya nevakoma nevanin'ina vako Iwe unozviti anti corruption what what mungavaita replace here vanhu ivava.Dai mati govt ipe ma incentive mabasa akadai akadai kwete zvenyu zvekutsvaga recognition pasina. Personally I got exceptional service from these people because they did what no one could have done so I can't talk of the money I gave them, it was just an insufficient token
Gaddafi · 1 week ago
Makatukura · 1 week ago
it's a common practice not only in kwekwe but in many if not all hospitals
. · 1 week ago
kupiko ndozvirikuto itika ka dr aka kakuda kungo taura kuti zvinzi bhoo but ndiuye 1 of them.
Patz · 1 week ago
Iwo we Anti corruption wacho are living in their own world. They are too too small to tackle Zim corruption. Each and every hospital does that and its well organised. Its up to an individual if he/she needs faster service. This has been happening for years and will continue to happen. Its a surprise the Anti corruption is seeing it today. Its happening at every gvt office where service is provided to the public and I dont think the public is angry about it coz you will be paying for faster than normal service and its not compulsory
007 · 1 week ago
not only in kwekwe bt most hospitals are doing so..45 dollars kt body igezwe..doctors clearance 45..or 100 depends nekt vaona zviso zvenyu zvakamka sei
chief bishu · 1 week ago
kkkkk nekuzvitunha here

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