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Chinamasa Outlines ZANU PF’s Plan To Extend Mnangagwa’s Presidency

1 week agoMon, 17 Mar 2025 07:24:54 GMT
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Chinamasa Outlines ZANU PF’s Plan To Extend Mnangagwa’s Presidency

ZANU PF Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, has said the party’s Department of Legal Affairs is working on implementing Resolution Number One, which seeks to extend President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s tenure to 2030.

Speaking at the Manicaland Provincial Co-ordinating Committee meeting in Mutare on Sunday, 16 March, Chinamasa said consultations will be held with key stakeholders, including the Politburo and Central Committee, to determine the best approach for amending the Constitution.

He said that if the proposal is approved, the party will direct the Government to initiate the constitutional amendment through Parliament. Said Chinamasa:

Let me address you regarding Resolution Number One, adopted at the national conference in Bulawayo last year. Those present will recall my statement that the President intended to remain in office until 2028, a stance he has since reiterated recently.

The question now arises — why do we wish to extend his term until 2030? Our rationale is that his leadership has been beneficial for the country, and we desire him to complete the developmental initiatives he has undertaken.

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If we unite and speak with one voice, his acceptance will be in our favour. The party has tasked me as the Secretary for Legal Affairs with implementing this resolution.

I will consult stakeholders to determine the best approach, which involves amending the national Constitution.

Once we have a clear plan, including consultations with the Politburo and Central Committee, and if the Central Committee approves, we will instruct the Government to amend the Constitution through Parliament.

As for the President’s decision, do not concern yourselves with whether he accepts or declines. That is his prerogative.

If the resolution is passed and the Constitution is amended, it will be up to him to decide. We will not be involved, and I doubt he will consult us. If he does, we will be fortunate.

He also urged party members to uphold discipline and avoid using social media to undermine the party leadership, warning that any rogue elements would be expelled.

More: The Herald



Sabhuku · 5 days ago
Obert chidodo ungadaro here
M.k · 1 week ago
mapfupa aya achamuka kechi 2 rega uone.
obert chidodo · 1 week ago
fact let give him a full chance untill 2030
Nero · 1 week ago
Chimanasa the dog of western allies · 1 week ago
To hell with you unprincipled merga let his say it out, you are a traitor to him.
laugh emoji1
War vet · 1 week ago
Chinamasa you are going against the man himself, vakati havadi kuenda mberi kudarika 2028
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Make sure you have alternative accommodation in Mozambique like Mandiitawepi Chimene. We will not forgive you for this mess that you are creating.
Anonymous · 1 week ago
A big gamble and a big underestimation of the powerr of the people. Handed tiwone.
Rass1 · 1 week ago
Nhaka gagwe toribuditsa mumvura, Gororo rinoba zvinosiririsa. Kubva kwashaikwa bandage chairo rekusunga chironda muzvipatara.
Mudhibhisi · 1 week ago
If the leader can easily be persuaded to break the supreme law of our nation, then no wonder why the looters were easily persuading him to plunder the resources of our cherished nation. This is an illegality that's doomed from the onset.
Mudhibhisi · 1 week ago
If the leader can easily be persuaded to break the supreme law of our land, then no wonder the
korruptPRIEST 🇿🇼 · 1 week ago
If that is or was ur fatha at high xool wud u even tell him kut kuxool kune parents day? 🙄
Atomic · 1 week ago
Take note of the words "key stakeholders " and where they are applied. The general population does not need to be consulted rather its a zanu pf agenda. You the ones who voted don't matter anymore
M23z · 1 week ago
Its no longer Agenda 2030, but Agenda 2025
Chigananda chematama · 1 week ago
which dvlpmt.
Vin "your mom's favorite ben ten" Petrol · 1 week ago
inini zvangu ion support term extension hameno vamwe mukuti kudiii
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Tourist are are coming to see dish holes roads and someone is thinking to extend, you took all BEAM money to prepare SADC meeting leaving the school kids without education. What more if we extend by 2 more years. We know you for opening a skip bin. Useless leader
Dok25 · 1 week ago
How safe is the president with these people who want to force him against his will of doing what the constitution he is leading the country on says? What are those people who want to hold him hostage for their own benefit afraid of? If leaders are supposed to be respected, is forcing a leader to go against his or her will respect? There are a lot of Zimbabweans with more genuine love and respect for the president than those who pretend to love him. Why was it those who said they love Mugabe and rejoiced when he was removed are most of those who talking the most?
Atomic · 1 week ago
Thats because the president is actually the one who seeded the idea. They are just catalysts
𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽 ʷᵒᶻᵃ ᵐᵒʸᵃ · 1 week ago
Let Mnangagwa finish his term and judged accordingly, we cannot judge him in the middle of his term and say he has done good. What about the remaining years will he do good...afterall which good has he done so far, life is more hell than Mugabe 's times, with craters on our roads, poor health delivery, massive brain drain and you call Mnangagwa a saint?
Wyoming · 1 week ago
they are more like calderas.
pat · 1 week ago
he should resign now
Gegeja · 1 week ago
kana iye President akati azvinde zva 2030 saka imi amutereri mukuru weNyika, ndozvatisingandi isu vanoterera.
coni · 1 week ago
ma bootlickers aye atanga ana useless clueless chinamasa busy kunanzva musuuri wamunangagwa
2030 ed anenge asisipo · 1 week ago
which development are you talking about that he has to finish is it corruption is it state judiciary capture is it nepotism is incompetent is it unemployment is it load shedding or lack of water for domestic use or absence of drugs in the clinics and hospitals is it potholes in the roads or your propaganda or high cost of living or electoral rigging can you explain further which development are you referring to which needs to be done kana bofu chairo ririkuzviona kuti garwe akundikana
laugh emoji1
Tok · 1 week ago
Funny things
laugh emoji1
chipoko Chaprigozhin · 1 week ago
kangoma Kaye kava kuririsa kave padyo nekudambuka. Gore rino iro rino iri , mumwe tinomuchema pachaita kuurayana kwevanhu vakuru
Z · 1 week ago
SIR AFRICAN · 1 week ago
We will take the matter to the Concourt as this country does not belong to Zanu pf.The constitution is a national document that does not belong to any party. Chinamasa is a failed lawyer so do not worry about what he says.His court performances were always below par.
Atomic · 1 week ago
And who does the concourt belong to if i may ask?
SIR AFRICAN · 1 week ago
@Atomic.The Concourt is a country institution.If you think it belongs to Vene you are mistaken.Among the nine judges ,the majority will descent.I can tell you which ones who will descent in you inbox me.
DENLAW SECURITY SYSTEM'S CCTV,ALARMS (0780646992)#(0777373902) · 1 week ago
let's look both sides ed is already do good projects so why is gonna leave the office before 2030 who is going to finish all the projects so let's see after 2030 since all the projects are done in 2030#ED 2030#
Matoto Emheni · 1 week ago
Ma projects ese a Bob achiti akamira here
007 · 1 week ago
which good projects..some of the repaired are worn out within a year
Tax · 1 week ago
saka ukuda vagadzire vega road here xaaa some are also benefiting from that ...... kumusha ukasiya munhu kuti achengete pamba kana akakuudza kuti huku 3 dzadyiwa neGondo unoda evidence ipi kuti uzvizive ...... what you should know is utsotsi hwaunoita kuti bhutsu ye10 unonoiti 30 kune mumwe nekuti aida votora 20 ndizvo kuRoad contractor anotodyawo ipapo otenga zvisingakwane kuti azodzoke achiita futi mari iwande muCompany
gweja nyumwawo · 6 days ago
Den law ..Inga hamuna brain vakuru. ..maproject Ema potholes ndo amuri kureva hre..... pluz endaii muno advertiser zvima cctv zvenyu ku zvigananda ndozvine mari yema tender inoda kuchengetwa
Transgender · 1 week ago
The **** is about to hit the fan
BOMBSHELL · 1 week ago
This 2030 thing is not for the nation but for the benefit of a few like Chinamasa and Chivhayo

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