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Rwanda Expels Belgium’s Ambassador Following Tensions Over DRC Conflict

5 days agoMon, 17 Mar 2025 12:41:43 GMT
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Rwanda Expels Belgium’s Ambassador Following Tensions Over DRC Conflict

Rwanda has announced the expulsion of Belgium’s ambassador as tensions between the two countries escalate over allegations concerning their involvement in the conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

In a statement released on Monday, 17 March, Rwanda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation confirmed it was severing diplomatic ties with Belgium and giving Belgian diplomats 48 hours to leave the country.

The statement accused Brussels of “using lies and manipulation to foster an unjustified hostile stance against Rwanda.” Reads the statement:

The Government of Rwanda today notified the Government of Belgium of its decision to sever diplomatic relations, effective immediately.

Rwanda’s decision has been taken after careful consideration of several factors, all linked with Belgium’s pitiful attempts to sustain its neocolonial delusions.

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Belgium has consistently undermined Rwanda, both well before and during the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in which Belgium has a deep and violent historical role, especially in acting against Rwanda.

Today, Belgium has clearly taken sides in a regional conflict and continues to systematically mobilize against Rwanda in different forums, using lies and manipulation to secure an unjustified hostile opinion of Rwanda, in an attempt to destabilize both Rwanda and the region.

Beyond Belgium’s destructive historical role in fueling the ethnic extremism that resulted in entrenched discrimination and persecution, and ultimately the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, it has also allowed Belgian territory to be used by groups that propagate genocide denial and sustain genocidal ideology.

Today’s decision reflects Rwanda’s commitment to safeguarding our national interests and the dignity of Rwandans, as well as upholding the principles of sovereignty, peace, and mutual respect.

All Belgian diplomats in Rwanda are required to leave the country within 48 hours. In compliance with the Vienna Convention, Rwanda will assure the protection of the premises, property, and archives of the Belgian diplomatic mission in Kigali.



Meda Portal · 4 days ago
Paul kagame has overstayed. A good dancer knows when to leave the stage. He will regret some of his decisions.
skun · 4 days ago
well-done Rwanda fcuk the Belgians.. racists those ones..
abcd · 4 days ago
Ultimate power corrupts
⏳️ · 4 days ago
Rwanda is backed by Israel and the Jews ✡️
⏳️ · 4 days ago
Israel is the only foreign country with a military base in Rwanda.
mosi yatunya · 4 days ago
Tit for tat
geza 2 · 4 days ago
Kagame is behaving like Idi Amini. he will die like Amini. He sees everyone as a problem. ask gadhaffi kuti zvoperera kupi
Golra · 4 days ago
Une chaunozivawo abt The Great Gadhaffi here iwe, shut up
twemu-twemu · 4 days ago
Gaddafi was a great leader indeed. 👏 He helped Libya from a sorry state to be one of the most happier nations with better amenities in Africa. The only problem with these leaders after all the success stories, they start to feel as if NYIKA DZAVO DZINEZVIKWERETI NAVO, OR MUGABE STATEMENT, "My people" as if he's a King. That's when they start to chase democracy away all in the name of gripping onto power.
geza 2 · 4 days ago
wrong move Mr President. you don't chase away varungu. this will hurt you in the long run. soon you'll be like Zimbabwe
Kagame Aneta kutonga nyika , ngaambosiya ape vamwe mukana · 5 days ago
Oncemore · 5 days ago
Viva Paul kagame, strongest leader in the region. He chased Chinese and now Belgium
The High Priest · 5 days ago
he is citing unjustified hostiles against his country
Paul kagame is butcher of DRC people it seems he is trying to bully everyone in sadc, Europe even america, kagame thinks Rwanda it's a political giant
Patriotic Zim Front 2030. · 5 days ago
Zimbabwe must copy brave Pan Africanist Rwanda and expel UK and USA Diplomats.
twemu-twemu · 5 days ago
taneta ne propaganda, asingazvizive kuti USA 🇺🇸 ne UK 🇬🇧 dzinodiwa ndiani? Kutaura kuno misodzi yega yega nekuda kwe aid isisauye
Anonymous · 5 days ago
Ko aei tisingadzinge we Britain ne America munyika medu
ok · 5 days ago
let Africa be Africa. musakanganwe kuti ambassador we SA akanzingwa kuAmerica
This is very bad and not good for the Rwandenese people , Paul Kagame is becoming too headed for nothing he cannot fight against international community, I think he is exposing himself openly, Paul kagame is not very strongly military and he is also losing a big junk of popular vote coz people are very tired of Paul kagame s wars in the East Africa Community
theLastAntKing · 5 days ago
problem yedu ma Africans hatibvume kuti tinotadza. Kagame needs to be expelled from Africa, akunetsa kunge sekuru vake Idi Amin
Vincent · 5 days ago
Kkkkk let's Africans be one country says Julia's malema

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