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US Travel Ban Proposal Could Affect Zimbabwe And 40 Other Countries

6 days agoMon, 17 Mar 2025 07:06:58 GMT
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US Travel Ban Proposal Could Affect Zimbabwe And 40 Other Countries

Zimbabwe is among 41 countries whose citizens could be banned from travelling to the US under proposed measures aimed at addressing national security and public safety threats.

A draft memo, circulated among aides of President Donald Trump, categorizes countries into three tiers: red, orange, and yellow.

The 11 “red” countries would be completely banned from entering the US, including Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.

Countries in the “orange” category would face restrictions on immigrant, tourist, and student visas. This group includes Belarus, Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Turkmenistan.

Zimbabwe falls into the “yellow” category, meaning it has 60 days to address US concerns or risk moving to a more restrictive group.

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These countries, which face heavy restrictions or indefinite bans, include Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Burkina Faso, Vanuatu, Gambia, the Dominican Republic, and several others.

The list, compiled by the US State Department, still requires approval. The White House has not commented publicly on the memo.

This proposal follows an executive order signed by Trump in January 2021 to protect the US from foreign threats, including terrorism and exploitation of immigration laws.

In January 2017, one week into his presidency, Trump signed the executive order titled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”

The order banned Syrian refugees and temporarily suspended entry for individuals from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

The US Supreme Court later upheld a revised version of the ban, which continued to restrict entry for citizens from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. The Court confirmed the ban in 2018.

When President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he repealed the ban, calling it inconsistent with America’s tradition of welcoming people from all backgrounds.

More: ZimLive



David chikosi · 2 days ago
Ngava dzoke kumba tite ngese tese matqmqti muma streets emuharare tichionerapamwe
kwadza · 5 days ago
zvigananda hazvichakwanisi kudyira bag Ku America baba
Anonymous · 6 days ago
Achaita sober hake Trump. Achine dzungu rekudzoka papaz ichapera hayo.panonzi pano apa.
Man to Man🏳️‍🌈 · 6 days ago
America be warned man to man🏳️‍🌈 is coming ✈️
Sheryl cee · 6 days ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 dzosai vese vedu kuno kusanganisira twabam
War vet · 6 days ago
Trump you stay in your America and we stay in our Zimbabwe
Nero · 5 days ago
Anoidii Africa yakazara mbavha netuvanhu tunodya imbwa
G40 · 6 days ago
Hakuna dombo richasara riri pamusoro perimwe magumo achizosvika nyika yega yega ichazvimiririra
Wyoming · 6 days ago
What about Rwanda? What about Israel. Rwanda is sponsoring M23. Israel has killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese. I don't understand Why America is protecting Uganda.Look at the way Byesigye and Bobi Wine are suffering.Uganda is worse than Zimbabwe.Museveni has been getting away with a lot. Zimbabwe has improved a lot,in Kenya they killed hundreds of protesters last year.Look at Mozambique, America is confusing me. Why always Zimbabwe?Why like Mario Balloteli,Why always me. We have never had a problem with Canada or Australia,it's always America,why?I feel the same way for Iran. What has Vanuatu,Barbuda done, to deserve this ban? But many American tourists continue to visit Antigua and Barbuda,I think that's where Rihanna comes from, correct me if I'm wrong? Nevertheless ,the world has changed,we now have new emerging tier 1 countries and cities like Dubai ,Singapore and Hong Kong .The quality of life is even better than Us. China is much cleaner and safer than America.No drugs,no guns. America is overrated, People need to explore other options.This world is big.
Corruptmore Looto · 6 days ago
Zimbabwe has not been included because it poses a threat or that it engages in terrorism, but it has been warned because it is not sharing adequate information about travellers and there is concern that the regime is possibly selling citizenship to other nationals whose Nations have been banned, that's why they have been given 60 days to start sharing that information properly and address concerns about selling citizenship to other nationals who then use the Zim passport to bypass the restrictions. If Zim fixes that they will be no need for a ban but if we ignore then they will be consequences.
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Atomic · 6 days ago
No drugs in China. Mmm give concise information
𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽 ʷᵒᶻᵃ ᵐᵒʸᵃ · 6 days ago
I doubt very much if little Zimbabwe poses much threat to the mighty USA. We used to think so, even Bob used to think so but his megalomania fizzled out in thin air as loughed him aside. South Africa is a big economy and part of the G21 group of economic powerful countries in the world, that's why the USA would want to neutralize it and sponsor dissent amongst its Afrikaner community. Obviously Elon Musk is suffering from an apartheid nostalgia, he envisions a South Africa led by one of his kith and kin s.
Wyoming · 6 days ago
True to that, Zimbabwe does not contribute drugs to America,they must ban Mexicans and Colombians from entering America. What harm do Zimbabwean students and Workers do.To get an American Visa is expensive and difficult for most ordinary Zimbabweans to begin with,now you want to ban completely.Trump needs to get uMvee or congo dust,maybe that can help rearrange his gears a little.
jaa · 6 days ago
chokwadi ndechekuti Trump haadi kuti vanhu vatize nyika dzavo. arikuti gadzirayi nyika dzenyu Mugabe ikoko kuno hatikudiyi tiribho zvatiri simple. pakaoma vakomana. zvinoreva kuti vanhu vachadzingwa
Anonymous · 6 days ago
Ndiwe wapedza kutaura. Lets put our house in order tisanyengerere America or any other country. Pamberi naTrump. Pamberi nekuvaka nyika dzedu
Ndambakuudzwa · 6 days ago
ndatiise mu black so that all the ZANU children who are there are sent back home
Anonymous · 6 days ago
Thats a poor point of view.Unoti vanu ve zanu vanodzoswa.Chero vakadzowa kuno they will remain priviledged people whether in usa or back home.Mwana wa chiwenga akafunga ku chera gold,ministry of mines inongomupa permit same day.Iwe unopiwa nani.Handiti uchangogara urimunhamo.Instead going to diaspora would at least given u a chance for a better life,asi udont see it that way.unenge urikufara kuti usa inoda ku blacklister ma zimbo kuti vana ve zanu vadzoke but kuri iwe unosuffer
Chariry · 6 days ago
kiki mhuno tinrvanu vakafa brain,they rejoice when life gets harder for them.u really wonder.No comment
Chinoz · 6 days ago
Mumwe kurwadziwa kuti hama yake inenge irikudiaspora iye arikuno.Saka i think that is reason why someone would rejoice kuti vanu varambidzwe kuende ku USA. Ndokuroya uko ka.
coni · 6 days ago
zvino Zimbabwe chikumbamarara huyai mose mbavha matsotsi mahuure varoyi masatanist ku Zim anodiwq zvinonyqdza kwazvo
Tendai · 6 days ago
chirikunetsa chii nhai veduwe
Vin "your mom's favorite ben ten" Petrol · 6 days ago
Chero Zimbabwe makaiisa ku category ngura "rust"we don't care ndawa hatina kna mari yekuuya ikoko
Tendai · 6 days ago
Aiwa varipo cazere vanadzo mhaei dzaxho dzekuyenda,they have saved in order to get better jobs to look after their families. imi kana musingagoni,kuenda musashuvira maipe kunevanoda
S. Class · 6 days ago
Even if it doesn't affect you directly but you are certainly going to feel the heat. Can't you see that even the US Aid ban is affecting even the unborn
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