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OpenZRP Officer's Suicide Linked To Betting Losses

A Gweru-based Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officer who recently took his own life had been chasing his sports betting dream on the popular online game Aviator, locally known as “Kandege.”
According to H-Metro, Constable Claude Jele had lost US$3,000, which he had borrowed, by the time of his death. Said a source:
Officer vakakwereta mari ikanyudzwa nekandege. Zvavaremera kudzosa uye kuwana counseling kwakuzvitorera upenyu. (The officer borrowed money and lost it to betting. Unable to repay it and to access counseling, he ended up taking his own life.)
Jele injected an unidentified poison shortly after penning a suicide note. In the suicidal note, Jele wrote:
Having survived all these 38 years, I have reached a point where I feel like its all the same being on this earth or leaving. So plz do not accuse anyone or anything its my personal decision to end my life this way.
I have chosen my own path. I know you will be hurt, but I do not see any reason to continue living—I have failed.
To Ganizani and Keisha, this will cause you pain, and I ask for your forgiveness, my children. Grow up well; I am leading the way ahead.
To the mother of my children, I say please do not trouble yourself wondering why this happened.
I am the one who made this decision after realizing that I have failed in life and see no reason to go on.
Mai Keisha, please do not let anyone suspect or blame you for anything—they had nothing to do with what I have done. We were living perfectly fine together.
In his suicide note, Jele included the contact information of two people he wished to be notified of his death.
Jele’s tragic death underscores the serious dangers of online gambling, particularly as people may find themselves caught in a destructive cycle of addiction, financial loss, and emotional distress.
More: HeraldOnline