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ARTUZ Calls For Teachers' Strike On March 28 Over Low Salaries

1 week agoWed, 19 Mar 2025 09:36:57 GMT
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ARTUZ Calls For Teachers' Strike On March 28 Over Low Salaries

The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) has called for all teachers to strike on 28 March 2025 because the government has not raised salaries to match the rising cost of living.

In a statement released on 19 March 2025, ARTUZ said the government has a history of adjusting civil servants’ salaries every three months. However, as the first quarter of 2025 ends on 31 March, the government has ignored all requests for a salary increase.

The union pointed out that the lowest-paid teacher currently earns around US$300, which is not enough to cover basic needs like education, healthcare, and housing.

ARTUZ repeated its demand for a minimum salary of US$1,260 for teachers, which it believes can only be achieved through regular and meaningful salary increases. ARTUZ said:

The government also continues to undermine genuine collective bargaining by negotiating through the National Joint Negotiating Council (NJNC)—an unconstitutional platform dominated by yellow unions that do not represent the real interests of workers.

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These co-opted leaders receive incentives to suppress civil servants’ demands, leaving teachers without a legitimate voice in salary negotiations.

ARTUZ urged teachers to ignore “compromised” unions and take direct action against the employer through the 28 March strike.

They said this is a chance for teachers to unite and demand fair wages without outside interference.

The union also made it clear that they do not support the War Veterans’ call for President Mnangagwa’s resignation. It said:

Some teachers have expressed concern that the strike coincides with the War Veterans’ call for President Mnangagwa’s resignation. ARTUZ remains non-partisan and firmly focused on the economic welfare of teachers. Our fight is for fair wages—regardless of who is in power.

ARTUZ warned teachers that changing leadership doesn’t always mean better pay. They pointed out that even after Robert Mugabe was removed in 2017, teachers’ salaries continued to decrease. The union said:

It is therefore critical to demand a fair wage now, from Mnangagwa, and from any future leader.

Zimbabwe’s economic crisis is rooted in corruption and mismanagement. ARTUZ notes the widespread allegations of corruption against government officials, particularly those involved in illicit wealth accumulation—the so-called “Zvigananda”.

We call upon law enforcement agencies to conduct full investigations and hold all culprits accountable. Teachers will only receive fair wages when national resources are properly managed.

ARTUZ said the government should review teachers’ salaries before 28 March 2025. If this doesn’t happen, teachers across the country will hold protests to show their frustration and demand fair pay.



Private Investigator · 1 week ago
Chidzokerai ku teaching vatungamiriri ve ARTUZ. Mari dze USAID dzamaidya makavata hakusisina. Zvakavharwa na Donald Trump. Sori zvenyu 😂😂😂
Swann · 1 week ago
$1,260 yeyi kkk Haa ma teacher ane drama $300 minimum yakawanda wani go on strike mudzigwe tipinde hedu vamwe mabasa
Anonymous · 1 week ago
Maakuiteizve maticha Geza Bombshell ndava president saka murukuit strke yeyi musina kurwa hondo. Strike ndeyedu basi timbotongao vana Samanyika. Ndabaningi makamurasha , Severe ne Zum Makati anopenga ,Tsvangison akabayiwa newechidiku zvino ini Bombshell ndisina underwear maakunditadzisa revolution yangu. Akomanaka Zanu ndeyangu uyai kwangu.
Mudhibhisi · 1 week ago
Pasi nembavha dzinobira nyika vamwe vachitambura, Pasi nehurumende yemakororo nehugeven'a, Pasi negororo guru rino chengetedza mamwe makororo, Ediot
STUDENT · 1 week ago
furirwai kuita muzoone kana madzingwa munoita kuti vamwe vazoivane iwe usasaivane sqka beware SOCIAL MEDIA inokusimbisai and vamwe venyu maTEACHER haagoni kudzidzisa futi takabva nako kuchikoro uku vamwe taizovagadzirisa vozoona vakuti ita presentation yeTopic iyi
DATA · 1 week ago
tambai ikurira hama dzedu izvozvi hapana munhu ane mari inokwana izvozvi varikuti itai strike ivava kaa kwavo kumabasa varikurega kuita vachionq kuti vangafe nenzara hapana mari inokwana kusvika pakuti Chivhayo anoda kubhadharq munhu akaba 75k ne100k is it normal
ADVOCATE · 1 week ago
itaika vana vakuda kuvhara muone kuti munopadzoka here endaikaa kune mari yakavanda ikoko furirwai muite nzara bvunzai maNurses mamwe akadzingwa anokuudzai team rokusimbisai mahara
mosi yatunya · 1 week ago
Teachers u are too devided hazvibude,moreover hobho maprivate colleges even kumamisha,saka nyararai mosiya Geza aive ataura zvaakareva,musachingame,please dont cause confusion
gweja nyumwawo · 1 week ago
maprivate xul mangani nhaiwe. ... vana vangani vari kuma private... iwewe wcho mwana wko ari ku private ipi .. not zvima private zvekuseri kwe toilet kuma location kaaa... saa uku supporter kti zvigananda vana chivhayo vakwire ndege ..teacher achitadza kukwira combie... company yachivhayo inotengesei chawakatenga iwee
Patriotic Zim Front 2030. · 1 week ago
Iwe donot just argue from an uniformed position. The trend regionally is the same. The difference are ****s availed by banks such as housing ****s: car ****s etc and this is possible where the economy is functioning properly.
ANSWER · 1 week ago
eeeeh endaikaaa musapedzere shungu pano endai ikoko muite maDates acho avapedyo aya ngavasiye kaaa vafe nenzara Chivhayo iyeye achaidya kusvika Amen imi muchingoita noise mustreet monzi tichagadzirisa 1 week motonyarara
sir munyoni · 1 week ago
since year 2000 same old song.
imana · 1 week ago
wese ane chaanogona kuita nemaoko ake akadzidziswa nateacher does not matter kuti which profession akakudzidzisa nditeacher kugonakunyora nditeacher teacher mupei 2000 usd salary
Patriotic Zim Front 2030. · 1 week ago
The Government has no resources to match the teachers demands. Instead teachers should be grateful if they are earning anything above $300. Also they must be advocating for the reduction of the teacher learner ratio which is legged at 1:40 but way above that resulting in no meaningful supervision of learners. The unions especially ARTZ should be prioritising encouring their membership to excute their duties professionally so as to eradicate the habit of not teachi g and latee engage in extra lessons. Long ago there was nothing like extra lessons because teachers were committed to their duties not these nowdays teachers who are always after money. My advise to thegovernment fire those who are like mindedand replace them with many unemployed teachers. PERIOD.
theLastAntKing · 1 week ago
world is evolving, money is the language that opens up opportunities. kudhara waiti ukatenga 2kg brisket waiting liver for free, izvezvi ****u rehuku it's big business then someone wants vana vevamwe vatambiriswe nzungu. Imika imi, ityai
Anonymous · 1 week ago
ummm dai iwe uri teacher usinga tauri **** dzauri kutaura idzi vanhu varikutambura hausi kuzviona here
gweja nyumwawo · 1 week ago
maresources api auri kuti Havana... tipe proof kti Havana...matax mangani ari kubatwa. mamineral mangani arimuno iwe busy kuva divender ivo vari kudzidzisa vana vavo ku America wko ndiye asina teacher ...uri ****
John Bhuru we one hour · 1 week ago
uyu ndompengo chaiwo. kare kaunoreva teacher airemekedzwa achipiwa Mari inokwana kwete pay yekuti mwana washefu anoiramba sepocket money achiti ishoma
advice · 1 week ago
Hakuna mari inokwana paFair chaipo saka ngavagare kumabasa uku tinavo maCrisis akaita seaya zvekuti President chaivo vanogona kutengeswa nemaBody Guards avo even vachitambira mari
Mudhibhisi · 1 week ago
Vadzidzisi vedu makatikoshera zvikuru.Mune chichemo chaicho, murikutambura zvinosiririsa. Makanganisa panguva yamasimudza nyaya yenyu. Hurumende yemakororo ichiri busy, vachambomora mafuta enyika yekwedu. Hapana anokunzwai chero mukachema misodzi yeropa chaiyo. Musakanganisa maShefu kana ari patable, vanozödzipwà.
Alby. · 1 week ago
Jivas Chihwehwete · 1 week ago
After protest whats next.
haiwa · 1 week ago
rave business here you will benefit from your package mhani apa hapasisina basa ramuri kuita instead punishing your fellow parents nekuda mari for extra lessons
SIR AFRICAN · 1 week ago
I'm surprised by the ignorance of the people who commented below.They a a couple dunces.No one can be fired for participating in a lawful strike and if that happens there is a remedy.Of cause you can be inconvenienced but in the end you will be compensated. Let me give you an example of a teacher who was fired for having a relationship with a school child.For 5 years he waited for his matter to be heard in court.The court reinstated him with no lose of benefits.
Meggah · 1 week ago
mateacher makadzungaira murikuda kuita demo on Friday why don't you do it on Monday
Alby. · 1 week ago
tichaz you where labeled opposition followers kare saka chero mukadii makaonekwa kuti munedivi renyu ramunoda and you are too divided kuti mutaure zvonzwikwa neHurumende
John Bhuru we one hour · 1 week ago
makanonoka vakomana, zvikoro zvakutovhara zvatove zvaMay apo
Alby. · 1 week ago
zvoonekwa next term ngavashinge mazuva ayemda
citizen · 1 week ago
Dai makabatanazve nhai vana vanyamunhu.Chamakashaisha kuwanza maUnions.MaUnions acho haawirirani pazviito,mazvake ,mazvake.Musi wacho mwoyo,vashoma ndivo vachatevedzera zvataurwa and pane mukana wekuzochemedzwa mberi.Government ikada zvayo,kuita zvayo zviya ,munozochema neAmalgamated yenyu iyoyo.lnga matojaira henyu upenyu hwenyu inga wani.Kana vachazowedzera nenguva yavo zvakaipei.Musafurirwa nemaUnions aya.Havazokumiririyi zvashata.
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 1 week ago
Ma church chaiwo zvaakawanda nhai asi Musiki ne denga zvimwechete. Kunotova nema councils ema church.
semaTeacher ndakazoona tine problem 1 tinoda kuendesa vana vedu kuzvikoro zvinodhura like other teachers vari kunze whilst munomu tine economy yedu saka mukaita henyu demonstration itai vanonzwa asi ngwarirai kuti isu tivane mari yakavanda madzingwa mabasa sevamwe vedu and remember vamwe vedu tine maCERTIFICATE teaching chete
mommy · 1 week ago
paunozodzingwa ndopaunoona kuti 50 dollars iyoyo yaishanda sure takazviita izvi amana musafurirwe mateacher kunze mabasa hakuna uku ohooodo itai muone chakuudzai ask maNurse ayaa akabva aratidzira nekuda kweSalary
The High Priest · 1 week ago
Vana vako vakati sadza mukutibikira Shoma hatisikuguta, you simply change the pot than to harass them

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