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400 Housing Units To Be Constructed As Part Of Dabuka Village Project In Goromonzi

4 days agoFri, 21 Mar 2025 23:29:05 GMT
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400 Housing Units To Be Constructed As Part Of Dabuka Village Project In Goromonzi

National Housing and Social Amenities Minister Zhemu Soda (MP) has welcomed the progress made at the Dabuka Village Project in Goromonzi District, Mashonaland East Province, where 400 housing units are set to be built.

The Dabuka Village Project, which was launched in 2023, followed the issuance of a letter of support for prescribed asset status by the Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities.

During a recent tour of the project, Soda applauded the project developers for ensuring that essential infrastructure is in place before the construction of homes begins.

He said that such initiatives contribute significantly to addressing the rise of informal settlements, which are costly and challenging to regularise. Said Soda:

I have seen that you have already put in place sewer, water reticulation, roads and storm water infrastructure and also adhered to the dictates of the Zimbabwe National Human Settlements Policy on densification.

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You have also provided a settlement were people can work, play, live and shop which is what we want to see in our trajectory to modernity.

We are saying as government, no settlement should be established unless all compliances have been met to ensure that we give dignity to our people in their settlements, so that they are able to get water, sewer facilities, access to roads and transport services, health among other developments.

This is a self-contained village with all the services. Our call is to have many more like you who are complying with Government policy.

The promoter of the Dabuka Village Project, Never Mhlanga, also commended the Government for swiftly facilitating the letters of support for the initiative.

Mhlanga further acknowledged the backing of CBZ Holdings, through their subsidiary Datvest, for their crucial financial support in advancing the project’s progress.

Speaking on the sidelines of the tour, Datvest Managing Director Tendai Muzadzi said the project’s goal is to provide essential housing infrastructure in alignment with the Government’s efforts to address Zimbabwe’s housing needs, while also presenting an attractive investment opportunity for pension funds.

Muzadzi revealed that US$10 million had been allocated for phase 1, which focused on the construction of sewer systems, roads, and water-related infrastructure. He noted that phase 2, which includes electricity reticulation, will begin once the superstructures are in place.

He also revealed that US$12 million is earmarked for the construction of a hospital, US$15 million for a shopping centre, another US$15 million for the gated community, US$5 million for the primary school, and US$150,000 for the construction of 250 freestanding units. Muzadzi said the aim is to develop a green-certified project.

The gated community will consist of 34 blocks of flats, each with four units, along with 250 medium-density standalone homes.

It is designed to offer residents a secure and exclusive living environment, complete with a commercial centre that will provide a variety of services.

The project, located along the Mutare-Harare highway, benefits from a high volume of travellers between Harare and Mutare, making the commercial centre a convenient stop for essential amenities and services.



chadzi · 3 days ago
makapedza masports apo
African Observer · 3 days ago
It's all about affordability right now in a country were most people are surviving on one dollar per day you waste time touring and praising a project for the few wealthy individuals????
Anonymous · 4 days ago
Kana Traore tamukunda, zvino isu takapa vanhu mapurazi matitle deeds, nenazimari kuita manyoka nenyama. Diohorea sa Bombshell kugutisa.
Patz · 4 days ago
Vana Zhemu Soda havasi maMinister awa wakatonhora kuti tonho. From Min of Energy to Mines hapana hapana. Ihama yaaniko
theLastAntKing · 4 days ago
who owns CBZ zviya?
..... · 14 hours ago
Kuda Tagwirei holds 30% of shares
Zvishamiso · 4 days ago
zvinongoshamisa kti mapirwe edzimba idzodzo anongorwadza vasina mari nekare vamwe vanotoshandisa mapositions emumabasa awo kti valoote dzimba idzodzo at the expense of the poorest
SIR AFRICAN · 4 days ago
Elder Micho · 4 days ago
Zvagara ndoo zvinofanira kuitwa before parceling out residential stands,, zvakaita kunge innovation 😄😄😄
Dok25 · 4 days ago
To those who are old enough to remember, tarred roads, water and sewer pipes, and electricity poles were usually in place before people started building
SIR AFRICAN · 4 days ago
Gaddafi · 4 days ago
no to 2030
Chirume chirume · 4 days ago
NO to 2030
Bhuru reMheni · 4 days ago
ndedzevasvinu KO isu ananyoka
LKJ · 4 days ago
Nhai zvako, ko vasina mari dzekuwanda vachazowanepiwo dzimba. Ana Hopley vacharamba vachiwanda vakayita mayitiro akadayi.
trabablas · 4 days ago
good but pakatopindwaa kare vamwe vane 10 dzimba ipapo

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