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University Of Zimbabwe Lecturers Begin Indefinite Strike Over 87% Salary Cuts

4 days agoFri, 21 Mar 2025 09:29:20 GMT
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University Of Zimbabwe Lecturers Begin Indefinite Strike Over 87% Salary Cuts

Lecturers at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) have announced an indefinite strike starting Monday, March 24, 2025, in protest over unresolved salary issues with the university administration.

The strike, organised by the Association of University Teachers (AUT), will continue until the lecturers’ demands for the restoration of pre-2018 salary scales are met.

AUT says that in October 2018, lecturers’ salaries were drastically reduced from US$2,250 per month for a junior lecturer to less than US$300 per month, plus a small local currency component that translates to less than US$200 when converted.

This cut represents an 87% reduction in their salaries, leaving lecturers struggling to cover basic needs such as housing, food, and transportation. Many say they can’t afford to pay for their children’s education at UZ or even basic daily expenses.

The AUT claims they have sent over 27 letters to the university authorities since 2018, asking for salary improvements, but have received only one response. Part of the statement reads:

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Even as we struggled to do the bare minimum, the university management shamelessly awarded themselves lavish packages which include expensive cars for the Executive and hefty payouts in the order of thousands of united states dollars. The university has also prioritised non-essential projects in lieu of staff welfare.

The lecturers also say that the university has not fulfilled its contractual obligations, such as paying for funeral policies and health insurance.

According to a statement from the AUT on March 18, the strike follows legal procedures, with their “notice to strike” expiring on Friday, March 21, 2025.

The statement calls for members to gather at 9 AM on Monday in Lecture Theatre 3 to begin the strike. Protestors are encouraged to bring placards and peacefully express their discontent.

More: Nehanda Radio



Zvishamiso · 2 days ago
ukaona munhu achishingaira pabasa achitambiriswa mari isingakwani pane zvaari kutoitapabasa ipapo ku supplemented parikutobiwa pabasa ipapo so please motivate your staff
Kenge · 3 days ago
kkk There are more lecturers and Universities in Zim than ordinary people. Kumaraini,all those thousands of unemployed Uni Graduates churned out every year are also unsung lecturers,giving private extra studies to students for a dollar, students who are then getting straight As. It's a vicious cycle.
Anonymous · 4 days ago
Why were they silent for the past 7 years?
Anonymous · 4 days ago
;) Welcome to the best adult dating site --
Bhuru reMheni · 4 days ago
Zimbabwe will never be collone again
Tim · 2 days ago
Tanga wagona kunyora pakati colony
mboko · 4 days ago
2017 maiti ngaapinde , 2018 Salary bvayakatwa😂
Raymond · 4 days ago
salary yagara yangayaita ishoma,remember we were now paying a premium on usd notes ne ecocash rate. In theory salaries started going down end of 2016 when a premium had started.By 2017 August salries were now down over 50 percent since we were now payingban ecocash premium of 50% and in realoty banks were no longer giving out usd cash,but we were jist still formally calling it usd.
Gossip Machine · 4 days ago
Vanhu varipo havana basa nedzidzo. Vanoidii ivo vachipinzana mabasa pahukama. Teachers used to go on strike but now parents are indirectly paying them through extra lesson levy. Total translate to ove 700 ( 400 per month extra lesson + Gvt salary). I see the same with lectures. Better they open their eyes. This is new Zimbabwe.
Gaffer · 4 days ago
i knew academic education is a scam when my Business Studies teacher never owned any business.
laugh emoji1
Walter Magaya · 4 days ago
kkk une muono
Walter Magaya · 4 days ago
what about you after studying business rako rakura zvakadii
Ditto · 3 days ago
True that. Real life is not about superficial Academic degrees with only an apparent benefit. If your so called skills cannot readily translate to ca$h then they are useless in the real world.Ask yourself,if you wake up stranded on an island alone,would your academic skills keep you alive? Gited people, those who are naturally multiskilled,will forever thrive in any situation and make more money than you do.
Anonymous · 4 days ago
Asi ini zvandisingandzwisisi is why were they getting a big difference with other teachers under ministry of primary and secondary. remember for example a chemistry teacher teaching a level with most having masters and degress were earning 500 usd in 2018 when a lect with similar qualifications earning 2300 usd. that is not fair at all. ngavakwidze pay yevanu vese.All teachers deserve a resonable salary
MR2 · 4 days ago
MaLecturers haana Mari iwe paCUT now vakuwana USD340
Anonymous · 4 days ago
tirikutaura zva 2018 salary scale.Not zvanhasi
Dani · 4 days ago
Aluta continua, Give lecturers mari hakuna izvozvo. ED hates the educated anoda mbavha nemhondi. Icho M31 chopisa 🔥
keeper · 4 days ago
inokwana marii iyo 500 inokwana
Ediots · 4 days ago
Unresilved issues will continue to bite ED in the as.s ...he cannot sit comfortably ever, never
Destro · 4 days ago
Ndakazvitaura kut kwatiri kuenda every profession is going on a strike,nurses,doctors,teachers,lecturers etc kunongosara isu marovha,ma**** nema hwindi
laugh emoji1
🦅 🐆 🦁 ɢᴀᴍᴇ-ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ · 4 days ago
87% salary cut is too much. How can the gvt do that?
Jao Zemin · 4 days ago
Don't worry hanzi na Geza 31 march mwana wese mutown but just keep in mind kuti Zanu pf madhodhî haadyike
oby · 4 days ago
kkkkk ndipeiwo news dzacho dzageza phoenix ikuramba muphone mangu
Jao Zemin · 4 days ago
Geza auya kuipa nezuro anga akarova full military regalia wena
oby · 4 days ago
nyika iyi kaaa
Nzendo taurai madzoka · 4 days ago
kugona kwe GNU iina Morgan Tsvangirai na Tendai Biti pafinance makuonaka
gweja nyumwawo · 4 days ago
havabvume vana pambwa vezanu ava
Trump D.Vat · 4 days ago
GNU ndoyakaita kuti tizivewo pizza 🤣🤣🤣.
laugh emoji2
citizen · 4 days ago
Zvikasadaro inganzi Zimbabwe here.Vanhu ndivo vakuru vakuru,mhomho yese muri vana nobody.

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