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Mthuli Ncube Urges African Nations To Prioritise Debt Restructuring

4 days agoSat, 22 Mar 2025 07:56:51 GMT
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Mthuli Ncube Urges African Nations To Prioritise Debt Restructuring

The Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion, Mthuli Ncube, has called on African nations to prioritise debt restructuring with international creditors.

Ncube warned that rising debt levels and the increasing cost of capital present a significant threat to economic stability across the continent.

He said the growing burden of unsustainable debt is being further compounded by external shocks, including climate change, inflationary pressures, and tightening global financial conditions. Said Ncube:

We need to understand the changing global landscape, where debt levels are rising, the cost of capital globally is also increasing, and climate shocks continue to impact countries, costing between 2% and 5% of GDP.

Several African countries, including Zimbabwe, Ghana, Zambia, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Angola, are grappling with severe debt distress.

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There are growing concerns that, without decisive action, the situation could escalate into a full-blown economic crisis, potentially leading to social and political instability.

Debt restructuring is a process in which a government renegotiates the terms of its sovereign debt to ease financial distress and make the debt more sustainable. This typically occurs when a country struggles to meet its debt obligations due to economic challenges such as a recession, low revenues, or excessive borrowing.

During sovereign debt restructuring, the government works with international creditors—including foreign governments, international financial institutions, and private bondholders—to modify repayment terms.

Possible restructuring measures include extending the repayment period, reducing the principal amount, lowering interest rates, converting debt into equity, or deferring payments for a specified period.

The objective of sovereign debt restructuring is to alleviate the debt burden, restore economic stability, and ensure that creditors recover a portion of what is owed.

Ncube also emphasized the need to reform the G20 Common Framework, a global initiative aimed at helping developing countries restructure their debt. He said:

We need to reform the framework so that countries can receive the necessary support in restructuring their debt.

Additionally, African nations must support each other in these efforts to ensure long-term financial sustainability.

Zimbabwe’s total public debt is approximately US$21 billion, which includes both domestic and external debt. The external debt alone is estimated at US$13 billion, owed to various international creditors.

More: Business Times



Xxx · 2 days ago
What a f*ck up of a minister instead he shld encourage African countries to pull their resources and establish own world bank
ok · 2 days ago
🦍 mukanya · 3 days ago
stop talking about continental monetary issues, talk about the national that you're putting us into
Shasha · 3 days ago
Africa does not need advise from you,you need advise from them
SIR AFRICAN · 3 days ago
People say Mtuli is educated ,its a misnomer, he is simply literate like me reading,writing and making fine speeches does not mean he is learned. One can earn their professorship by bribing university lecture who are sickly paid.
Jayden · 3 days ago
Ndombas · 3 days ago
nonsense we are tired. this must come to an end soon.nxaa
QMan to Man🏳️‍🌈🤝🇿🇼 · 4 days ago
Patz · 4 days ago
Tikangoziwa kuti a Professor is a title given to a University teacher hatizonyanyoshamisike kuti sei ane 7 yrs ari Min of Fin achitadzirira economy. Ma teacher anodzidzisa zviri muma book (academic) . Haana chake chisvinu chaanoita kana kugona kuita initiate to counter a specific problem ( technocratic). Mthuli arikuchovha bhasikoro reku gym you can cycle for a km but uri panzvimbo one
Chiweti chemunhu · 4 days ago
vari nane varikupihwa $300 iwe urikupihwa $110 kuwe nane kwacho ndekupi manje,musoro unenge wegurwe .
theLastAntKing · 4 days ago
maikwereta mobva madya morega kusunganidza paida kusungwa now hapana achada kukanda mari mudziva rinonzi Africa risingadzose zvikwereti. Izvezvi Africa yakagarira about a ⅓ of global mineral wealth but African citizens are the poorest globally. Yet their leaders are wealthiest in the world.
Patz · 4 days ago
Mthuli is behaving like a father of a hungry and poverty stricken family who is telling his neighbours how to look after their families. No one listens to him because action, or lake of it, speaks louder than words.
SIR AFRICAN · 4 days ago
mosi yatunya · 4 days ago
zibhache tinyararireiwo apo,itwo tuchenji twemukombi ndo twaungamerere zenze haiwawo,unoona kunge unoziva bâsa stereki,bvunza maneighbours kuti finance dzemuAfrica dzinobatwa sei Ask Zambia or Mozambique,inotowanika mari yacho ichitotenga,chero kuchimboita hondo
SkulKid · 4 days ago
ngachingorongedza abaye parikuenda vamwe vake apa #31March
wamambo90 · 4 days ago
Aviel · 4 days ago
hapana zvozikanwa apa kungoiswawo mudura chete
wamambo90 · 4 days ago
Patz · 4 days ago
Mthuli is an academic and not a technocrat. He simply attempts to apply what he learned to the Zimbabwean economy. A technocrat is innovative and tackles unique broblems effectively. Manje Mthuli zvaakadzidza zvikaramba anobva apererwa
Ediots · 4 days ago
Mthuli is Bookish and lacks the actual knowledge or dare i say wisdom that's possessed by a street vendor, mbare vegetable seller or our tuckshop owners. Mugabe always lambasted such men during his lifetime
Jojo · 4 days ago
Hapana hapana
Moyo · 4 days ago
This guy is educated but zvozivikamwa hapana people vakagumira grade 7 can do better than this guy kutonga nyika kunongoda common sense
Baluba · 4 days ago
Iyo ndoo inonzi mbudzi 🐐 manji
NGWENDEZA · 4 days ago
Musoro muhombe but hapana zvinozikanwa
Zanda · 4 days ago
mukuru uyu kungopgeka suit chete bt chinozikanwa chaicho hapana
mosi yatunya · 4 days ago
call gideon gono to advice u to print money everyweek up to quadrillion,kkkk imwe yainzi one Bhidha

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