Harare Children's Home

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Harare Children's Home

Harare Children's Home is one of the longest established places of shelter for children in need of care, Harare Children’s Home was established on 4 July 1921.


The Harare Children’s Home has been providing a safe haven for many less privileged children: ones who have been left alone in the world, whose families were shattered by violence, some whose lives are changed by child abuse, others who have been abandoned or neglected. Each one has been given love, shelter, sustenance, education and guidance.

It was inaugurated by the Synod of the Wesleyan Methodist Church on 4 July 1921 in response to a ‘flu’ epidemic (Spanish Flu, 1918) that left a number of children orphaned. Its objectives are to care for children of either sex, regardless of religious denomination or nationality and to take care of their education, both religious and secular.

It is home to up to 110 children, from infants to pre-puberty boys and girls until they find jobs. The Department of Social Welfare, under whose auspices it operates, selects the children placed in the organisation's care.

Each house is run by a mother who cares for up to 20 children of all ages. These are run as much like family homes as possible, with the children helping with cooking and housework and the older ones taking care of the toddlers and babies. A member of the house committee, reporting to the general committee that runs the home, is assigned to each house.

The organisation has one of the country’s best nursery schools operating on its premises. In addition to helping fund the home by paying rent and helping with exceptional cost items, the school welcomes pre-schoolers at no charge and gives them the best possible start in life.

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