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Malaicha.Com is a Hello Paisa complimentary platform launched for the purpose of delivering good from South Africa To Zimbabwe. The user/purchaser places an order through the app and settles the bill. The purchaser’s family then collect their groceries from stores that very same day In Zimbabwe.


How To Sign Up For Malaicha.Com

  1. Download the App on Google PlayStore.
  2. Fill In your name and South African number
  3. After receiving some confirmation SMS confirm your mobile number
  4. Enter our address
  5. Read the terms and conditions.
  6. Complete registration.

How To Place A Grocery Order On Malaicha.Com

  1. Login
  2. Pick the groceries you want to buy for your family
  3. Proceed To Pay and Pay.
  4. Give the confirmation order to your family who will pick up the groceries in Zimbabwe.

Malaicha Payment Partners In South Africa

  1. Standard Bank
  2. Pick n Pay
  3. FNB
  4. Nedbank
  5. Makro
  6. Shoprite
  7. Ackermans
  8. Checkers
  9. Spar
  10. Boxer
  11. HelloStore
  12. Pep

Grocery Pickup Points

  1. In Harare – 100 Cameron St, Harare (Opposite Cleveland House)
  2. In Bulawayo -Herbert Chitepho Street, (Between 12th and 13th Street) Bulawayo


  1. Wanna Send Groceries Home From South Africa? Try Malaicha.Com

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