Job Description
Bachelor Of Science (Honours) Degree In Aerospace Engineering (Bsc (Hons) AE) -5 Years (Full Time).
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: An applicant should have at least 2 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics and 5'0' levels passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science).
- Special Entry: 5'0' Level passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science) and a relevant National Diploma with at least 3 years post diploma experience.
Bachelor Of Science (Honours) Degree In Mechanical Engineering (BSC (HONS) ME) - 5 Years (Full Time).
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: An applicant should have at least 2 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics and 5 levels passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science).
- Special Entry: 5'0' Level passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science) and a relevant National Diploma with at least 3 years post diploma experience.
Bachelor Of Science (Honours) Degree In Software Engineering (BSC (HONS) SE) - 5 Years (Full Time).
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: An applicant should have at least two 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics and 5 '0' levels passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science).
- Special Entry: 5'0' Level passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science) and a relevant National Diploma with at least 3 years post diploma experience.
Bachelor Of Science (Honours) Degree In Electrical And Electronics Engineering (BSC (HONS) EEE) - 5 Years (Full Time).
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: An applicant should have at least 2 'A level passes in Physics and Mathematics and five '0' levels passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science).
- Special Entry: 5'0' Level passes (including English Language, Mathematics and Science) and a relevant National Diploma with at least 3 years post diploma experience.
Master Of Science In Software Engineering (MSC SE) - (1 1/2) Years (Full Time).
Entry Requirements: A good honours degree, Upper Second Class (2.1) or better in Software Engineering or equivalent in the relevant engineering discipline. Applicants with a Lower Second Class (2.2) plus substantial relevant experience will also be considered.
Note: Lessons for the Master of Science in Software Engineering degree will be conducted outside normal working hours and during weekends.
Bachelor Of Science (Honours) Degree In Security And Disaster Management Studies (BSDMS): - 4 Years Full-time/block-release
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: Have obtained a Pass at 'A' Level in Geography and any other 'A' level subject. Have five '0' Levels, including English Language and Mathematics passed with at least a grade 'C' or better, Special Entry and Mature Entry admission shall be in accordance with the General Regulations as stated below;
- Special Entry: A candidate who holds a Higher National Diploma, Executive Diploma in Disaster Management Studies, Security Studies or an equivalent qualification from a recognised institution may be considered for enrolment for the degree programme.
- Mature Entry: Persons who are at least 25 years of age on the first day of the academic year in which admission is sought and who are not eligible for entry under Normal or Special Entry requirements may apply for mature entry provided the applicants;
- Have passed at least 5'0' Level subjects at grade 'C' or better including English Language or equivalent and must have demonstrated potential suitability for university studies by virtue of their attainments and/or relevant work experience.
- Have completed their full-time school of college education at least five years before the start of the academic year in which admission is sought.
- Have attended interviews and or special tests at the University designed to assess their command of English Language, numeracy and reasoning ability and general suitability for admission to the degree programme and are working in the diplomatic corps, defence and security or any other related field.
NB: Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not necessarily ensure admission. Admission is based on the number of places available and is awarded based on merit. The Faculty of Social Sciences reserves the right to interview candidates to assess their suitability for admission into this programme.
Master Of Science Degree In Conflict Prevention And Early Warning Mechanisms (MCPEW) - 1 1/2 Years Full-time/ Block-release.
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: Applicants must have a first degree with at least a Lower Second Class (2.2) or better in a Social Sciences and Humanities discipline related to Peace Studies, Conflict Prevention Studies, Defence and Security Studies, International Studies, Political Science, Economics, Strategic Studies and Law or any other first degree recognised by the ZNDU.
- Special Entry: A candidate who holds a first degree which may not ordinarily be related to the fields in paragraph 2 (a) above but has the ability and general suitability for admission to the degree programme and is working in the Diplomatic Corps, Defence and Security, Conflict Prevention and or any other related field, may apply for the programme. Special entry shall be in accordance with the General Academic Regulations. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not necessarily ensure admission. The Faculty of Social Sciences reserves the right to interview candidates to assess their suitability into this programme.
Master Of Arts Degree In Defence And Security Studies (MOSS) -1 1/2 Years Full Time/ Block-release
Entry Requirements:
- Normal Entry: Applicants must have a first degree with at least a Lower Second Class (2.2) or better in a Social Sciences and Humanities discipline related to Defence and Security Studies, International Studies such as Political Science, Economics, Strategic Studies and Law or any relevant first degree recognised by the ZNDU.
- Special Entry: A candidate who holds a Higher National Diploma in Defence and Security, International Relations, or an equivalent qualification from a recognised institution may be considered for enrolment in the degree programme. The candidate should have at least 5 years relevant experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Qualifications and Experience
How to Apply
Complete an official application form which can be obtained from the Admissions Office, Zimbabwe National Defence University (ZNDU), Rodgers Alfred Nikita Mangena Barracks, Approximately 10 km from CBD along Harare-Mazowe Road, upon payment of USD20.00 or RIGS equivalent to the prevailing bank rate. Application forms can also be downloaded from the University website The completed application form should be accompanied by an original bank deposit slip of the application fee. The University banking details are: Bank: CBZ, Account: Manpower Development and Exchange Programmes, Account Number 021 240 635 000 12 Branch: Selous Avenue. Please include your full name on the deposit slip. The completed form should be submitted to the Admissions Office together with certified copies of your national identity card, birth certificate, academic and professional certificates, transcripts and other relevant document.
Admissions Office
Zimbabwe National Defence University
Rodgers Alfred Nikita Mangena Barracks (RAN)
P Bag CY 1535
Contact Telephone Numbers: +2638688007001 Ext 1010
NB: Prospective applicants should feel free to approach the Admissions Office for advice on programmes hest suited for them.
Deadline: 18 June 2023