Video: Pastor Mugadza apologises for saying that President Mugabe will die on 17 October 20177 years ago0CommentsComment
Video: Pastor Mugadza apologises for saying that President Mugabe will die on 17 October 20177 years ago0CommentsComment
Family of remanded pastor who prophecied Mugabe's death appeals for assistance from well wishers7 years ago0CommentsComment
Family of remanded pastor who prophecied Mugabe's death appeals for assistance from well wishers7 years ago0CommentsComment
Pastor arrested for predicting Mugabe will die in October to appear in court today8 years ago0CommentsComment
Pastor arrested for predicting Mugabe will die in October to appear in court today8 years ago0CommentsComment
Kasukuwere warns prophets following prediction Mugabe will die on October 178 years ago0CommentsComment
Kasukuwere warns prophets following prediction Mugabe will die on October 178 years ago0CommentsComment