
Energy Mutodi Fires Shots At CCC Supporters | Report

Energy Mutodi Fires Shots At CCC Supporters | Report

Goromonzi West MP, Energy Mutodi, who is running for the Bikita South National Assembly seat on a ZANU PF ticket in the 23 August elections, reportedly fired shots at CCC members at Baradzanwa Township in Zaka on Thursday.

According to The Mirror, Mutodi allegedly besieged the venue with two trucks laden with ZANU PF supporters who threw stones at CCC supporters who were waiting party leader, Nelson Chamisa.

Mutodi was reportedly in the company of Kumbirai Ziki a Forever Associate Zimbabwe (FAZ) member in Bikita South.

Responding to the report, CCC demanded that the Zimbabwe Republic Police  (ZRP)arrest Mutodi for public violence. She said:

This is a confirmed act of public violence. Where is [the Police]? Why has Energy Mutodi not been arrested?

What is [ZANU PF] allowed to unleash such wanton violence on CCC supporters who are peacefully & lawfully gathering?

CCC member David Coltart appealed to the South African Development Community (SADC) to condemn politically-motivated violence in Zimbabwe. Said Coltart:

This is a deeply concerning report. If this report is true it is a sign that ZANU PF is in a deep state of paranoia and is now prepared to resort to anything.

It is time the region acted to condemn this growing violence and abuse of the electoral system.

Mutodi, who is an academic, author and musician, was elected the Member of Parliament for Goromonzi West, Mashonaland East Province, in the 2018 elections.

But during ZANU PF’s restructuring exercise before its Congress, Mutodi relocated to Masvingo Province from Mashonaland East where Goromonzi is situated.

More: Pindula News
